MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


March 20th, 2013



Day 211: Morning Open Action

[Even though Martha Jones had not gone to the meeting to discuss her own problems yesterday, she was still feeling depressed. The pouring rain made her feel worse. Never mind that it would supposedly clear up in the afternoon, she was going to make use of the rain. She didn't see anyone out so that made her plan all that much better. One hour later, Martha was richer by one obnoxious yellow rain slicker, a curious square shaped package poking out from said slicker that she protectively wrapped her arm around, and a grocery bag filled with all the fixings for a dibetes inducing Death by Chocolate sundae. She bowed her head to the rain and made her way back to our quarters in section four]



DAY 211 | vii ( mingle ) → a rock-a-hula-luau!

[ although the morning's rain prevented them from getting an early start on setting up, quinn and rebekah have managed to pull everything off in time for the dance to start. there's tables to sit at when you don't feel like dancing or enjoying the surf, lots of hawaiian-themed snacks and desserts to eat, grass skirts and leis available for those who wish to wear them, lanterns and torches everywhere, with live music provided by quinn, oz, jack, lacus, and anyone else who wishes to get up and sing!

the only thing this party's lacking is the booze, per quinn's intentions of having this be an alcohol-free party. however, that doesn't mean someone isn't going to spike the punch when she's not looking, so if you were planning on doing so -- have at it!

so, go ahead and dance it up with your dates, mingle with some new cr, hop around, and threadjack to your heart's content. festivities will carry on until sometime after midnight when clean up will commence. enjoy! ]