MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


November 25th, 2012


Day 194 [video/action if you prefeeeeer]

[SO LIKE. let's skip all the 'wow prison' 'oh this sucks' 'I don't belong here' and move straight on to there's a dude in the stables and he's new round these parts, dagnabit. and yeah he took it upon himself to start mucking because he's really good at mucking out stables. never mind that if he doesn't keep busy he'll go bananas. or maybe oranges. (why is it always bananas why isn't it ever oranges.)

anyway the horses dig him.

he lifts his arm and swipes it across his forehead to wipe the sheen of sweat off. no he ain't wearing your silly hats!!!!]

These stables need better upkeep.

[this profound statement was brought to you by the word 'HORSE POOP' which is two words actually.]