MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


November 10th, 2012


192 ♦ Action - Open

[It’s very late at night, yes. But lets face it, Summers girls have always kept odd hours and Dawn is out exploring. Buffy probably wouldn’t like her being out this late on her own, but that’s never stopped her before. And as she can’t sleep, she’s decided to start learning more about the prison. Right now she’s walking the circumference of the dome following along the walls of the prison, or, in some places, as close to the wall as she can get. She has a book bag with her and is jotting down notes in a notebook as she goes.

Any night owls or insomniacs are free to run into her, or come looking for her, or scare the bejeezus out of her. You know, whatever.



#192 | v ( audio ) → open.

If anyone had the chance to meet Kurt Hummel during the few days that he was here, he's gone home. [ he'd probably been sent back when all the ghost nonsense was going on, but quinn hadn't been sure until it was over whether he was missing because of the event or because he was actually gone. ] I'm happy for him. He didn't belong in a prison.

[ with that over, it's time for part ii of this broadcast, which is a big step for quinn. she's been thinking about doing this for a while now, but contemplating it is one thing; actually going through with it is another. ]

I know not everyone went to high school or is from a world as bland and boring as mine must seem in comparison to everyone else's, but when bad things happened, we'd have support groups to help everyone get through the bad and look forward to the better. I don't know how much good that's going to do in a place like this, but I figure, it can't hurt. And... And there have to be other people out there who miss their children as much as I miss my baby.

[ there. she said it. beth isn't a secret back in lima, but getting pregnant and having a baby was something she was ridiculed for during her pregnancy and after her daughter was born. she hates that beth was a notch of shame, when she's something to be proud of. a bright, beautiful baby girl who's going to live a happy life full of everything she deserves, because quinn made the right choice. beth isn't something to hide or be ashamed of, and this is quinn's way of taking back what the halls of mckinley took from her. | BACKDATED TO EARLIER IN THE DAY. ]



action ☠ day 192

[It's late and a certain sadist has found it difficult to sleep the last two days, which was rather visible from the dark circles under his eyes. He had too much on his mind — missing his sister, as always, as well as people who seemed to have gone missing from the prison, beyond other things, so he's up and walking around from sector to sector in search of anything to do at this hour. He's not sure what he wants to do, since mostly he just wants to sleep, but he's sure he will find something to either knock him out or bore him to sleep.

Being as tired and distracted as he is, it's likely that he will walk into things or people, so Sougo accidentally knocking over a trash can is sure to be alarming for any passersby.]