MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


October 28th, 2012



[Action | Closed]

[He should have seen it coming. In about thirty seconds, Zelgadis is going to be kicking himself for being so stupid to not see it coming. But for this precise moment, he's cuddled up in front of a fire in one of the beach huts with Raven while the very sudden thunderstorm rages outside. It's a cozy little scene really, and while he can't ever say Saber is out of mind, he most definitely isn't prepared for her to barge in on it.]

[Especially when he's not wearing a shirt and Raven is leaning against his chest with only a towel over her top half. It was cold and wet okay --]

[Yeah, it looks bad (if you discount the extremely vital detail that he and Saber aren't an item by any fucking definition, someone should really inform his panic reflex of that). But maybe for once in his life a woman will give him the benefit of the doubt...?]



[voice/open | action/closed]

[ voice ]

...okay, who turned off all the lights?

[ action | closed to alpha household ]

[ Close to midnight on Day 190, two boys come stumbling out of Sector 6, holding up lanterns to light their way, exhausted and covered in dirt (and the occasional hickey). The shorter of the two is limping and leaning on the taller, wincing whenever he sets his left foot down.

They quickly make their way through Sector 0, to Sector 2, to their home. They're completely uninterested in stopping to chat until they reach their apartment. ]