MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


September 5th, 2012



Closed to Faith|

[So Buffy and Angel are fighting, but they're not kissing either and Buffy is teenage-girl-in-love enough to be afraid that means things are kaput. She doesn't know where they go from here or how they make it better. She doesn't know if they can make it better. All she knows is it's not better right now. In a classic manner of coping, she has shut herself in her apartment with a half gallon of rocky road ice cream and all the ice skating movies she can find. There's no crying (okay well she did sob at the end of Ice Palaces, but she always does regardless of her state of mind) and there's no flinging things or screaming about how unfair this is, even though it totally is. This is supposed to be the happy middle that she and Angel get. It's not a happy ending because she knows Angel won't give up until he's out of here and then they'll all go home and life will go on and the ending will be something more tragic, violent and bloody that doesn't include any scene Shakespeare might have imagined for Romeo and Juliet (what is it with those two anyway? They had it easy. Sheesh). It's not a beginning because they've hit rinse and repeat so often on this that they know how it's going to go before it goes, complete with the 'something' ripping them apart. Consider them ripped, at least for the moment so, happy middle. This place. Supposed to be it and yet...

It's not a friendly place. She is not a happy camper.]

[Day 183 | Video/Action]

[It's been a few days since you've seen this ugly mug out and about, haven't you, Marina? They're irritably wandering throughout all sectors in the dome today, and eventually, they'll be bored enough to turn the video on so they can scowl at the screen for a moment or two.]

Amphibian life? Bah! We don't think we've heard of anything so dull... It could only be worse if it was about spiders. [Pointed jab at you, Parker, they know you'll be listening.]

We can't remember the last time we've been this bored. [And a bored Venom is a dangerous Venom.] What do they expect us to do for the rest of our lives?



[Action | Open]

[So. Frogs.]

[It may be less of a draw for a lot of people than the vibrator thing was, but PM is definitely one eager attendee of today's exhibit!]

[The carapacian lady can be found either cooing over the live specimens, carefully reading the displays of the ones that are not so much alive, or perusing the gift shop for amphibian- and frog-related offerings.]