MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


September 3rd, 2012



Day 182; action; closed to Elena Gilbert

[Caroline's in the kitchen and she's all frowns. No perky early morning sunshine this morning as she puts on the coffee. She's grinding her jaw as her nails tap on the counter, all tell-tale signs of frustration Forbes style. Look, she's not exactly passive aggressive, she approaches things head on. But what are you supposed to do in this situation?

When you wake up to hearing your best friend fighting about something then making out with the guy who... With Damon Salvatore. Ugh. Okay, so maybe she's not as okay with it as she said she was, but it's a combo of being restless and lonely that makes her bitter. And bitter is not a good color on Caroline Forbes.

She throws Elena's bedroom door a nice good glare, muttering under her breath.]

I hope you slept well.



➀➇➂ ♬ iv ( video ) → open.

Sakura Kinomoto's gone home, for those of you who didn't know. I'm sorry.

[ it's an awkward announcement to make, being that quinn didn't really know the girl. she'd gone looking for her to ask some questions about the cheerleading squad and had discovered she'd been sent home. quinn couldn't really be sad for her, as earning your way out of the prison was something she viewed as a good thing. she was happy for this girl she didn't know, though sad for the people still here who had been close to her. ]

I guess that means the cheerleading squad's without a captain. [ surprisingly, quinn doesn't want the position. she's directing and managing the glee club right now, and she's done her time as a cheerleading captain. someone else can take command of marinanova's cheerleaders. ] Who else here was on the squad or interested in it besides Elena and Caroline?



➀➇➂ iv | video + action → open.

Krv Drpglr pwlz chkwrt strplmt dwghzn prqlrzn lffrmtplzt.

[ that sounds and looks like random keysmash, but it's actually a powerful incantation that's used to open portals between earth and pylea. unfortunately, it doesn't like opening the door to the land without song in this place, but that's not going to stop angel from taking the phrase for a daily spin. forever stubbornly determined to get the hell out of here and patient beyond all reason, he'll keep trying it and other various methods until he finds something that works. he's got time. ]

Always out of batteries... [ sigh. ] Here's the deal. I've got the magical side of this down, but the science? Not really something in my area of expertise. I sort of predate all those theories and new age mumbo jumbo, and never really had a reason to sit down and [ care ] learn more than the basics. And I had people - friends - who knew about this stuff a lot better than I did, who aren't around anymore to put their heads together and explain things to me in layman's terms. [ fred and wes. :c ] Some pointers on the scientific side of portals and world hopping would be appreciated.

[ for action needs, he'll be patrolling sector 3 later in the morning. soaking wet. in the rain. ]



DAY 183 - Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 183 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ cool with steady rain over the afternoon ]. We apologize for this inconvenience and have provided you with indoor entertainment as compensation. For this day only, the museum will host an exhibit on [ Amphibian Life: An Introspective Journey Through Time ]. Please take this opportunity to further your education.

The following inmates have been found guilty of breaking the [ facility rules ]. Full details of their punishment will be transmitted to their devices shortly.

Tieria Erde: Injury.
Zelgadis Graywars: Property damage and Assault.
Sasha: Injury.
Itachi Uchiha: Property damage.

The requested materials for [ Daniel Osbourne ] have arrived and will be placed in the agreed upon location.

Have a nice day.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! The flavor of the rainy-day treat this time is amphibians of every kind! Enjoy! )



[open action] sector 3

[Every once and a while he likes to take advantage of the warm water in the hot springs, just to soak and unwind. For a good part of the morning there will be (1) one Tyki Mikk lounging in the water in the largest of the pools in Sector three, reclining against the edge. His chest is covered with an array of criss-crossing scars, though for the moment his skin is pale and without other marks of crosses and the like.

He will shamelessly quirk a smile at any ladies sharing the pool.]

✦ Day 183, mid-morning ✦ [action] ✦ CLOSED

[She came prepared this time; sitting at the corner of her chair was an obscenely large, clear, plastic umbrella. Still dripping from her recent walk in the morning rainfall.]

[Bean Crushers was about half full for the time of day. She's purposely chosen a time between the early morning and afternoon coffee runs, wanting to avoid the chaos of a rush. Today was definitely a chill day. A much-needed chill day, after all that had happened recently. Even now, Zatanna's mind was a whirl with all the conversations and faces--some familiar, some not-so-familiar, and some she didn't even know where to begin categorizing.]

[Which was why she'd asked Dick to meet her there. They needed to talk, and she'd barely seen him since the Team meetup with Artemis and Kaldur and Wally. Too much going on. But now, they had time and she had a steaming cup of cocoa in her hands and an extremely comfortable beanbag chair to recline in right next to the window. She could wait.]



➀➇➂ iv ❧ video | closed to elena gilbert.

Elena, sweetie, you got a minute?

[ she feels she needs to apologize for eric being... well, eric to her last night, unaware of the major fight she's had with caroline. sookie would've made the apology soon after eric made that infuriating post to the network if she hadn't caved to that which she is not putting a label on, ditched her communicator and ran off in favor of seeing her the stupid viking in person.

two peas in a messed up pod, these vampire-inclined girls with special blood are. ]



Day 183 [video | open]

It's raining. [The obvious weather report has been stated. You're welcome.] So, we can't really play today, but today would be too soon anyway. We need to get the rosters back up first. [Anyone know what he's talking about? Being clear wasn't really important, was it?]

But in a few days we should have a baseball game! [And then all those cheerleaders will have something to cheer at. Otherwise they might have to cheer at science class or something.]

Um, but first we need a team captain for the other team and more players. So who wants to play?

(OOC: Current roster here. Let me know if you have a kid that needs to be removed or moved to the other team or someone that should be added! Also, if someone else wants to manage cheerleading elsewhere I'm happy to just link to your post or you can drop notes on this and I'll add them!)