MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


August 1st, 2012


[ video / open ]

[ AR's been spending too much time at the library. It's where he's broadcasting from right now, in fact. There's a serious expression on his face that seeps into his voice as he talks to the network, but there is also an undeniable glaze over his eyes as he speaks. ]

I would like input on a matter I have been thinking about.

I understand why this institution is a prison now. Our actions are pebbles that were never thrown into a lake, the non-existing wake that we create has no effect on anything else but this isolated place, our own lives, and the lives of a select few around us.

To us, any sort of ripple our existence and actions in our place of origin are now nonexistent. We have no policies to change, no energy to give back the the universe, we're cogs taken out of a universe - a metaphorical machine ...

... Aren't the actions that we perform here entirely insignificant and useless except to this tiny, isolated place? What is the point of any sort of "reformation" if we cannot return and fulfill our duties in our place of origin, however insignificant those individual duties may turn out to be?



[ Action ] PARKOUR'D

[ Touma visited the pet cafe today on a whim. Why? There are several reasons, all having to do with memories surrounding the pet cafe in the old dome. The setup might not be entirely the same, but there's an odd feeling of nostalgia watching the animals play, even if he has no desire to actually take any home.

It is then that he observes a particular rambunctious animal bouncing around. At first, it's funny. Then, things get dangerous when it decides that Touma, kneeling the way he is, would make an excellent springboard to plant its FEET in the boy's FACE (Just.. pretend that's a Pokemon or something and not a goat, since those do not exist in the cafe!) ]

Gck—! [ Touma crashes back onto the ground, sending any other nearby pets scattering in alarm. He just sort of lays there, red welts on his face as he stares up at the ceiling and sighs. ] Fukou da...

[ When he is not getting his face kicked in by cute little animals, Touma can be found sitting at Raw in Sector 3, bandages on his nose, staring down into an empty ramen bowl.

Thanks to his sense of smell being off, it didn't even taste all that satisfying. Another sigh.

Can something go his way, for once? ]




[Have a not-so-impressed Caroline Forbes. She's sitting at her desk in her room, tapping a pencil on a pad of paper with names written down, you can't see them though. She's been busy, okay?]

Dear Elena Gilbert's Secret Boyfriend--

Time to 'fess up. I'm on to you.

Caroline Forbes



178 // video/action // mid-day > evening and into eternity


[ Hello, Marina! Have an excited puppy Aidan on your screens, coming with a very important announcement! ]

Hey y'all!

I'm, uh... I'm sure some of you know Helix. He's turnin' 17 today, and me an' Dean are throwin' him a party at th' beach tonight. It's goin' to be real casual, bring your own beverage kind o' thing — we're gonna get some fires goin' and have a barbeque so I think it'll be real nice! So just come on over to Sector 1 whenever you feel like it an' bring whatever you wanna eat and drink.

[And with a bright smile, he's about to turn off the feed when a thought happens:]

Oh! And it'd be great if someone could bring some dip for Dean! He's jonesin' real bad. [Grin — and transmission end.]


[ Nothing like a beach party to round off the day! Camp has been set up close to one of the beach huts, with beach towels strewn on the sand and a couple of oil drum barbeques heating up as we speak. Feel free to mingle amongst yourselves, cook up a meal, have a beer (if you brought it!) or say hello to the birthday boy!

Oh, and the water is juuust right. There's always the option of a dip, skinny or otherwise. ]

(OOC: Video and voice responses go HERE! Feel free to mingle amongst yourselves! )

[video; private to jack noir]

[It's becoming readily obvious that she's not going to be getting her dice back any time soon. Which sucks, but at least it's not like she's helpless without them. She has her powers back now, sort of, and her punishment's over. So if she's going to take out Jack Noir, there's no point in sitting around and waiting for a better opportunity.]

Today's your lucky day! I finally found time in my busy schedule to kill you.

Are you still interested? Or do I have to track you down? Really, either's fine with me, so long as you make it interesting.



[[ Action \\ Open ]]

[Cain is sitting down in the middle of sector 0, just drinking some water and neglecting a vegetable bun in his lap. His communicator is off his head and next to him, so he might not be very responsive at first if you aren't speaking Japanese. In fact, he's looking a little wary of the thing altogether.]