MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


July 23rd, 2012



176//closed action//backdated to before the party

[ They were never very good with doing things right. They didn't become friends the right way, and they sure as hell didn't become... more than friends the right way. Even now it's strange and backwards and the fact that it took a lifetime prison sentence for them to even figure out what they were supposed to be isn't really right either.

So this? Getting... well, as close to married as you can get in prison without going to the prison-priest. That requires a little bit of doing it right (even if it's their kind of right and as such still pretty wrong) and so Aidan had spent the afternoon preparing. Cooking and thinking and worrying about over-doing it and eventually, anxiously waiting for Helix to come back from his exile.

Yes, this he was going to do right. ]

[OOC: There is a possibility of adult themes in this post. You have been warned!]



[Action | closed] Casa de SPN

[Good morning, whomever is living at Dean's place! Enjoy being awakened to the smell of fresh coffee brewing and pancakes on the griddle. And some bacon, of course, since that seems like something Dean would want.]

[And who's the chef? One pink-haired woman who is wearing one of Dean's shirts and a smile. Come grab a plate! Or, you know, ask what she's doing there.]

((OOC: threads among yourselves are fine too, of course!))

[ action / video ] open

[Derek is standing outside the apartments where Penelope has claimed a place for herself. Yes, he still refuses to settle in and get his own place… for now. But the sound of rain tapping the window made him step outside to check it out. They’re under water after all, and Derek’s first thought is that there’s a leak.

The feed comes on, Derek looking a little uncomfortable with the rain coming down around him.
] We’re in a fish bowl underwater and it’s leaking… or raining. I’m gonna go with raining. [Just before the feed cuts off, Derek draws a deep breath, closes his eyes and tilts his face up into it. If it’s rain and not a leak, it really isn’t so bad.]

[ filtered to the BAU ]
We still doin’ this Defense Force thing? Who’s in charge of it?



DAY 177 - Morning Greeting


Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 177 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ cool with scattered showers over the afternoon ]. We apologize for this inconvenience and have provided you with indoor entertainment as compensation. For this day only, the museum will host an exhibit on [ the history of self-stimulation through mechanical seismic activity ]. Please take this opportunity to further your education.

The following inmates have been found guilty of breaking the [ facility rules ]. Full details of their punishment will be transmitted to their devices shortly.

Peter Parker: Injury
Venom: Assault

Requested items for [ Jane Foster and Quinn Fabray ] are now available for pick up at the kiosk. Requested substance for [ Gamzee Makara ] is now available for distribution at the hospital. The requested items for [ Subaru Nakajima ] have arrived and will be placed in the agreed upon location.

Have a nice day.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! And yes, there really is an exhibition on Vibrators Through the Ages at the museum. Enjoy! )



[ action ] Both Open and Closed portions

[ Closed to Miranda + Komui ]

[ So what happens you put two genius geniuses together in a room after a little bit of alcohol? Pure mayhem of course! The place is a mess, there's fluff everywhere from the pillows and... right smack in the middle of the room in the midst of a miniature fort of blankets and cushions are Komui and Bak.

Mmmhmmm... Bak was just a little under the tipsy scale and claimed Komui as his own special Komui Lee plushie doll to sing him softly into slumber. It's a shame he has to wake up though. Imagine Bak's surprise when he won't be able to remember a thing! ]

[ OPEN ] [ afternoon at the new museum exhibit ]

[ Bak had summarily rushed out of the apartment and sworn never to return! And after reviewing said morning's announcement, he figures the best (and safest) place to retreat to must be the museum. A little bit of education never steered one wrong and Bak was proud of naught else but his ability to know everything worth knowing!

But he's a touch confused as he stops by the gift shop first. What's he supposed to do with a vibrator anyway? Turning it this way and that, he flips the switch and drops the thing with a thud. Good grief. It moved! ]



[Action | closed]

[Hope you Avengers (and girlfriend) weren't looking to sleep late, because Tony's taking a chainsaw to the walls. Didn't even know you wanted renovations, did you? You're welcome. And you're in luck, because the music drowns out the other noise.]

[Various other happenings are of course occurring in the ever-busy Avengers Temporary HQ, and this is the place for them, so have at it. Or wait a few hours and Tony's dragging you all to see the new "exhibit." ;D ]

((OOC: Mingle-style! Use this prompt or not as you like. What's your Avenger doing today?))