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Jan. 30th, 2011


'Cause life's a carnival

Who: Kendal & Bianca
Where: Random booze-selling store
When: Late afternoon

There's no reason; motive's marginal. )

Dec. 7th, 2010


She'll tell you she's an orphan

Who: Bianca and Delta
Where: 7-11
When: Graveyard shift

After you meet her family. )

Dec. 3rd, 2010


Who is it that wears a mask?

Who: Nic and Bianca
Where: A pizza parlor & the movie theater
When: 7pm and onwards

When Nic pulled up to The Court he was still as confused as he'd been when he last saw Bianca. She'd gone from hating him to dating him in such a short time span that he couldn't really believe it. He wanted to, though, which was why he was giving this a try. If she'd really had a change of heart, then he had no good reason to turn her down, and she'd seemed sincere enough over breakfast the other day. In an attempt to put all their arguing behind him, Nic had done everything he could to convince himself tonight would be a step in the right direction. Anything was better than the bickering that had taken place during their last encounters, so this should be a piece of cake.

As he put the car into park, he realized he didn't know her apartment number and would have to find other means of letting her know he'd arrived. Texting would have to do. Hitting send, all he had to do was wait.

Read more... )

Nov. 13th, 2010


Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back

Who: Bianca
Where: The Court
When: Early afternoon

We keep ourselves a mystery but we provide the clues. )

Oct. 8th, 2010


Payback's A Bitch

Who: Bianca and Nic
Where: Denny’s
When: 5am

The flower incident had been dealt with. Sort of. Yes, Bianca had taken care of the flowers and even gotten rid of her migraine while she was at it, but she had yet to address the reason why she had gotten them. Her suspicion was that it was Nic trying to be clever and she was not happy about it. Not at all. How to deal with it seemed like a relatively simply thing - ignore it and him and just pretend it had never happened. But Bianca never took the path she was supposed to and the past week had been stretching her nerves so taut that they were ready to snap. This threatened to snap them and during her night shift at the 7-11 she had decided that she knew just how to do it. He had sent her flowers, which she hated, and so she was going to go ahead and do something that would upset him at least as much and hopefully more. Because on top of the flowers she had used her powers without being pressed and really, it annoyed her. Count it as getting back at him for everything he’s done. Yes, she blamed him for everything. That happened when someone flipped the world around.

Once her replacement came in, Bianca pulled out her cell and flipped it open, scrolling down to the appropriate number and hitting it. Sure it was roughly five o’clock in the morning but she did not care. Either he would answer or she would keep calling until he did.

Read more... )

Sep. 30th, 2010


You must be joking

Who: Bianca and random NPC guy
Where: Her apartment
When: Mid-morning

Bianca - 1 Flowers - 0 )

Sep. 9th, 2010


Looked at with an ice cold eye

Who: Bianca and OPEN
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak
When: Directly after this
Warning: Disturbing content...of some degree...dead things, okay

All helpful urges should be circumvented. )

Sep. 7th, 2010


This will end badly.

Who: Bianca and Bella
When: Midday
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak

With Bella's day firmly taking a nosedive in the span of nine minutes or so, Bella had decided she needed to get out of the house. The world outside was as safe as it was going to be, and she needed groceries - whether or not this stupid party happened. She was trying not to admit to being crushed - even to herself. It was stupid to let a little thing like Alex being busy on her birthday get to her so much. It wasn't like he was one of the only people she actually cared about seeing that day!

Except, wait. It totally was. Shoot.

In her little peach dress and faux vintage accessories, she possibly looked like vampire bait, but she was just relieved to be out and about. Bella never did well cooped up in her house. She wanted to be outside, in the fresh air and sunshine. She'd even skipped the bike today in favor of walking. She was trying to be positive. I'm not going to throw myself a pity party. I'm going to be fine. And I'm going to mean it.

Aug. 9th, 2010


Might need just a little more silence

Who: Nicodemus and Bianca
Where: A graveyard
When: Night

Dragging me into your world. )

Jul. 23rd, 2010


When it starts to hurt, it only helps it grow

Who: Bianca, Kikuya, and Makoto (NPC)
Where: Woods in Scarlet Oak
When: Late evening
Warning: Violence/gore

Baby's got a problem. Tries so hard to hide. Got to keep it on the surface, because everything else is dead on the other side. )

Jul. 22nd, 2010


Wherein Ronnie Makes a Total Ass of Herself.

Who: Bianca and Ronnie
When: Early morning
Where: At their apartment
What: Some hysterics.

Ronnie was feeling chipper. She had her bunny slippers, her Hello Kitty jammies on and a bowl of cereal. Bed time sure was fun! She'd had a long bath earlier, reading her new book while she was in there, and now she was laying in bed, her eyes closed and ready for a good night's sleep.

Maybe she should go swimming tomorrow? It had been a few days since she went to the pool... Maybe Bianca would go with her? She frowned. Ronnie really couldn't recall if Bianca was into that sort of thing. Perhaps she should ask her, considering that they were roommates she should know these things.

Anyways, after swimming she really had to make some anti-supernatural signs. What with these gross vampire murders and all, it was time she organized a rally. Okay, maybe she would be the only person there at the rally, but her mother always told her to be the ripple! These things all start with one person.

Jul. 16th, 2010


Where did the day go?

Who: Vendela and Open
Where; Scarlet Oak Community Park
When: Afternoon
Why: It's a glorious day!

A beautiful day in the neighborhood... )

Jul. 12th, 2010


Searching for answers

Who: Bianca and Nic, plus Zania
Where: Heme
When: Late evening

But not denying the truth. )

Jun. 30th, 2010


Told you and the devil to both just leave me alone

Who: Bianca
Where: 7-11
When: 1:30 a.m.

Show you the trembling. )

Jun. 10th, 2010


You're the one that I need, I'm the one that you loathe

Who: Bianca and Nic
Where: A bar
When: Later evening

Drinking once should have been enough. Would have been enough if not for the fact that the other person Bianca had been drinking with was touchy-feely. And even drunk Bianca was not all that big on physical shows of affection. Not with people she was not actually with at that. Which probably explained why she did not have all that many friends - on top of the being creepy and slightly anti-social part. Ronnie was actually quite an odd choice for a friend seeing as how the other girl was very religious and Bianca was very not. Well, she knew all of the verses and the creeds and such, but she followed none of them. Mostly because anything even slightly related to religion made her stomach roll. Just the sight of Ronnie's Bible had been eye-twitch worthy and knowing that she kept it in the apartment... Bianca was sure that was the reason she could feel a migraine coming on. One of the ever-more constant migraines.

So she had made sure that Ronnie was safely in bed before she slipped out, wearing a simple pair of jean shorts, a black tanktop and flip-flops. Because who dressed up when all they were doing was going to a bar to get more drunk? Bad idea with the migraine coming. Or maybe it might actually help head it off. She had never actually tried to use alcohol as medication before so... hmmm... maybe that was an idea worth trying out. Being underage was not something she was worried about once she got inside because there were always guys willing to buy her a drink or two if she would just give them a smile. Giving one such man a smile she accepted the strong fruity drink she was given by the bartender and slipped off into a corner to nurse it on her own, ignoring the music and chatter as she tried to block out any onsetting bits of pain.

Read more... )

Jun. 6th, 2010


Are you here to stay?

Who: Bianca and Ronnie
Where: The Court
When: Afternoon

Normally Bianca and roommates were one of those things that just were not meant to be. She would end up with one that she wanted to introduce to the business end of a lawnmower - had anyone ever done that? She needed to look up and see if anyone had gone and done that because if not she might have to put the idea in someone's head - and drive them away within three weeks. She had never met the exception to this rule and had not intended on actually attempting to find one. And yet there were boxes in her living room that were not filled with her things and a certain blonde moving in that was oh so not her. But it was approved. By her. Ronnie wanted out of the dorms, not that Bianca blamed her, and she had decided that she could let her have the spare bedroom. There was somewhere else she could keep all of her photography stuff.

Still, it was a little odd to realize that she was actually going to be sharing her space and not trying to drive Ronnie off. The other girl already knew most of the things about her and her beliefs and how no, she was not going to go to church with her on Sunday, and all of those other little things. Which meant that she was going to have to behave herself and curb the almost natural desire to be bothersome. "So," Bianca said, leaning in to peer at one of the boxes that had books or something in it. And a Bible, that was definitely a Bible. Bianca's face twisted a little and she pulled her hands back so that she would not accidentally touch it. "I met Cameron Calvert the other day when I was at the high school, when the power was out. He seems to have a pretty good idea of what he's going." Cameron Calvert, one of the few people she actually thought was worth her time and only because of his anti-supernatural stance and the public voicing of his opinion. Hard not to admire that even if only a little bit. Ronnie should understand since she was the same way.

May. 7th, 2010


You could 'cause you can so you do

Who: Evan Forsythe and Bianca Syme
When: Late afternoon
Where: Random grocery-type store in Scarlet Oak

Evan might be a bachelor, but even he didn't consider a handful of Cheerios to be breakfast. )

Apr. 27th, 2010


And they only speak in whispers of a name

Who: Bianca, various NPCs
Where: St. Francis of Assisi - St. Joseph Mapleton Catholic Church
When: January 1998 -- January 2001

There's a lady they say who feeds the darkness. )

Apr. 25th, 2010


These words bore me

Who: Bianca and Cameron
Where: SOHS
When: Early evening

A good way to describe Bianca's current frame of mind was quite possibly 'pissed off to the ends of the earth and back again'. Looking at her no one would have guessed because she was seated on her issued cot with a magazine in her lap, flipping idly through the pages. Closer inspection would have revealed that she was flipping a little fast to actually be reading them. It was not what she had meant to grab on her way out of the apartment, having difficulty finding anything thanks to it being pitch black from a mix of the power being out and the storm raging outside keeping the sun from helping even a little. Why had there even been a People magazine in her apartment? It was disgusting!

Pushing her hair out of her face again - it was starting to frizz - Bianca lifted her eyes up to glance around the gym. A few people that she recognized from the university but the majority was unfamiliar to her. All hiding out because they're afraid of something. She was not there out of fear but necessity. Her irritation was not helped at all by the fact that she could feel a migraine starting up near the base of her skull. It had not reached the unbearable point yet, but she knew that it would before morning came and all she could hope was that everything would clear up so that she could go home and curl up away from the noise and annoyance of such a large crowd. Although, just as she was about to return to reading the boring magazine, her eyes caught a figure that she recognized only from a speech. Cameron Calvert, the humans right activist. Beginning throbs of a migraine or no, Bianca could not pass up meeting him. Setting the magazine aside she stood and walked right up to him, tapping him lightly on the elbow. "Cameron Calvert, right?"

Apr. 14th, 2010


Blood of a demon

Who: Bianca and Dagmar. Slipper and Nicor Demon (NPCs)
Where: Outside of St. Michael's
When: Early evening
Warning: Violence

You're demonic blood. We don't hurt our own. )

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