April 2015




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Jan. 25th, 2015


can you hear the devil drawing near?

WHO. Matilda & Luke (NPC)
WHERE. Cheap motel outside of Scarlet Oak
WHEN. Evening
WARNINGS. Mentions of self-harm

I am what I was born to be, but you are whatever I’ve made you into. )


one day we'll get the best of you

Who: Desi and Reggie
Where: Desi's apartment
When: Mid-afternoon

Reggie was having an amazing day. )

Jan. 24th, 2015


wind me up & watch me go

Who: Angeline and Esmeralda
Where: SOHS history class
When: Second period

'This is just getting ridiculous.' )

Jan. 23rd, 2015


stepping forward out into the day, shrugging off the dust and memory

WHO. Jason & Annie
WHERE. Streets of Scarlet Oak
WHEN. Early Afternoon

I like this place )


i'm gonna have you when i want to, i'm gonna take you, that's what i like.

Who: Lazarus (and an NPC).
Where: An abandoned house on the outskirts of town.
When: Very early morning, around 1am.
Warnings: 100% NC-17. HEAVY depiction of graphic violence, assault/rape (trigger warnings), and bloodshed. Definitely NSFW, and if you’re really not okay with torture/sadistic narrative this is not the solo for you.

The girl was still crying. )


If I die young, bury me in satin

WHO: Micah & Rebekah
WHERE: Their home
WHEN: Evening

Waving goodbye to his mother from the porch, Micah smiled as the taxi cab drove away. His mother had decided that it was time to get back to her job in California (the one that she'd quit to come live with Micah, but they didn't remember that) and Micah seemed to be doing okay. She'd give him a call when she landed back home. He would be fine house-sitting for Rebekah and going to the local high school by himself until his sister came back. He was a big boy now. Micah remembered that the house was his sister's but she'd gone away for a spell. Micah couldn't exactly remember why, but that was okay, too. School had been all right. He was a vampire. He remembered that, too. Remembered to drink his Capri Sun blood in the fridge, but he couldn't remember how he became a vampire. That was also okay. Everything was okay.

Gather up your tears, save them in your pocket. )

Jan. 22nd, 2015



DATE: Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BIRTHDAYS: Cels D’Ambray

WEATHER: No change! There is still a chill in the air as Autumn gets into full swing.

EVENTS: People seem to be settling into their new lives -- or at least the lives they believe themselves to have always led. The spell is still in full effect and shows no signs of wearing off anytime soon. Things have been relatively peaceful and quiet in town today, which is something the citizens of Scarlet Oak would like appreciate if they could remember what life was like four days ago.

By now, however, the deeds of the two “helping” Seelie fae have reached the attention of the Unseelie Court. How dare those goody-good fae undo all the wonderful mischief! Whereas they might have been happy to leave the small town alone, now Scarlet Oak has become locked in their cross-hairs. The malicious fae are brewing something. It’s only a matter of time before they pull their next spiteful prank.

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