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July 19th, 2012

[info]the_firebird in [info]light_of_may

Trust Issues

Who: Zhari solo
Where: Zhari's apartment
When: Early evening, about 6pm
What: Zhari wonders, idly, if she's missing out by being... as she is.

It had been bothering her all damn day.  )

[info]tenth_life in [info]light_of_may


Gretel/Micah, frogs.

[info]tenth_life in [info]light_of_may


Gretel, solo: rosewater meringues.

[info]lightofmaymods in [info]light_of_may


DATE: Sunday, September 13th, 2009


WEATHER: Yesterday was a chilly September day, so those who didn’t grow up in Michigan probably figured fall was here, right? Right? Wrong. Temperatures have shot up to 105 F. Record high for this time of year! Also anyone with any sort of sinus trouble probably wants to die from the quick and drastic shift in weather. Welcome to Michigan. If you don’t like the weather, it’ll probably be different tomorrow.

EVENTS: What the hell is going on in Scarlet Oak. No, seriously.

Everyone’s still reeling from yesterday’s demonic activity, and it turns out there was more. Another child, this one identified as Airla Fells, has lost her life at the hands of demon legionaries. An as-yet unnamed man died trying to save her, and Fells’ younger sister, Briony, was discovered on the scene. It is assumed she was the demon’s next intended victim. Local law enforcement are beefing up, and report lines are active with demon sightings.

But wait, there’s more!

There’s a fifty hard stretch or so of sidewalk on N. Cliff Rd that has been quite noticeably altered. Instead of concrete, it now appears to be a sidewalk of swirls of colored light – gold, silver, blue, and violet. Many are braving the outdoors to get a look, or get their picture taking with the oddity. No one can seem to figure out how it was done. Must be magic.

This last bit doesn’t make the news, what with demonic activity and children dying, but there were reports called in to the police station last night of strange happenings at a Scarlet Oak park. Police arrived on the scene to investigate, but there wasn’t actually any lawbreaking. There just appeared to be a strangely dressed elderly couple playing catch with a ball of light.

No, seriously.

Elderly couple. Ball of light.

Anyone who works with SOPD may have heard the story secondhand, so here’s how it went down. At roughly 2:20 AM, a policeman showed up on the scene to investigate, but there were only two people at the park. An elderly couple dressed in funny, mismatched clothing – but nothing that would even be considered indecent. They were standing on opposite ends of the park, and playing catch with what appeared to be a glowing ball. The policeman asked what they were doing, and receive the very obvious answer of ‘playing.’ The elderly couple did not stop what they were doing, but did ask if they needed to stop or were breaking any laws. The policeman admitted that no, they were just fine – someone had seen the light was all, and wondered if things were okay. The elderly couple giggled, and kept playing. The policeman watched for a little while, but ultimately ended up leaving. He drove by an hour later, and they were still at it.

Two hours later, block residents reported seeing a very bright light shoot into the sky, originating from the park. Police went back to the park, but the elderly couple were gone. Strangely, things did seem brighter in the park. Quite literally. The grass and leaves were all… well, greener! It appears as if all things in the park had the saturation level amped a little, but there was nothing else to report. And that’s it.

What the police can’t know was that the elderly couple were fae. And they were indeed playing a little game. Their little ‘ball of light’ was a spell they’d channeled and passed back and forth all night until it was truly massive. And when they dropped the ball? Something very strange happened. The spell rebounded and found eight random targets in Scarlet Oak: Aetheria, Lilith, Reggie, BJ, Marisa, Lottie, Brendan and Maddie. Six elementals, two weres. Those eight are going to wake up this morning and ultimately find that they have switched powers.

Here’s how it works. The spell targeted it random, and did so in pairs. The pairs are Aetheria and Lilith, Reggie and BJ, Marisa and Lotti, and Brendan and Maddie. Everyone targeted is going to have had a strange dream that in some way concerns their other half. For example, Aetheria might have a dream about a mother with three children, while Brendan might have a dream about a young woman with a fascination with vampires. They will see their other half’s face for only a moment, and the dream will be over. When they wake up, the elementals are going to have a different element. Everything’s going to feel the same, but they’re going to be in for a big surprise when they go to use their powers. Marisa and Lotti are in for a bigger shock, as their animal forms have changed.

None of the eight are going to have any idea what happened or how to get their normal powers back, but they’re all going to feel compelled to find the person they dreamed about.

Well… alright then. React accordingly, I guess.

[info]_spitfyre in [info]light_of_may


Who: BJ, Ryan, familiars, and hell... open to anyone in the neighborhood who hears the screaming, idgaf
When: Noonish
Where: Byrne's backyard

It really should have been a great day.

Okay, so BJ had had some weird dream about a single dad and an apartment full of plants. He'd had a really fat cat and one of his two daughters had a face like pure evil, but you know. Whatever. She'd had much weirder dreams in her life, and despite the fact that this dream was kind of nagging at her - for some reason she felt like this guy really existed and she needed to meet him - she was able to ignore it. Gorgeous day! Yesterday had been yucky! She was going to go outside. Yup, that was the plan. She'd put on a bikini, grabbed her ipod and a towel, and headed into the backyard to work on her tan. Which was kind of difficult. Redheads didn't really tan well. BJ had two colors: white and red. That was it. But honestly, she was still kind of in denial. She would figure out how to tan, it had to just all be in the lotions. Sure, that was it. Fuck it, either way. She was going outside. End of story.

She spread her towel out on the grass and stretched out, with Endellion mirroring the action in the grass. BJ sighed contentedly and closed her eyes, and for a while just enjoyed doing nothing in the sun.

But then there was that buzzing, and it was really getting on her nerves. She tried to ignore it, but, well... a Byrne not giving in to their annoyances was a rare thing. She turned her head and opened her eyes, just in time to notice a bee land on one of the flowers outside her bedroom window. Wrinkling her nose in distaste, BJ pointed her finger at the bee, and set her mind to blowing the little fucker up.



...That was not what happened. Suddenly the flower was twice the size it had been before, and the bee was buzzing around in confusion.

BJ jerked to a sitting position, and after staring at the flower a moment longer, worked hard at making something - anything catch fire. Absolutely nothing happened. Well, that wasn't strictly true. The flowers were doing really well. But she wasn't lighting anything on fire why wasn't anything catching fire she was supposed to be good at this oh my God oh my God-- BJ began screaming as if the world was ending. Because in her mind, it might as well have been.

[info]kittenwithagun in [info]light_of_may

On the highway to hell

Who: OMEGA, bitches
When: Mid-morning
Where: About an hour outside Scarlet Oak to start
What: Arrival

Maya hadn't been pleased to give up her ride to Logan as he left to investigate the wolf situation, but it had made the most sense - the smallest vehicle went to the single person departing. He couldn't take the equipment van, not if he wanted to give Teddy an aneurysm, and it didn't make sense for one man to take the SUV and leave a car that sat four at best for the six of them. So for the long trip to Michigan, Maya was stuck driving the equipment van. But though she missed the power and handling of her usual vehicle, it couldn't be helped.

They'd been driving for most of the night, which Maya tended to prefer. Her night vision meant she didn't have any visibility problems, and there was less traffic to negotiate - which meant fewer people who might notice their passing. The last stop had been a rest station a few hours back, and a protein bar and cup of coffee had meant she was good to keep going for a while longer. As it happened, though, the GPS mounted in the car showed they were just over an hour from their final destination.

Picking up the two-way radio sitting on the dash, she hit the button to radio the SUV that Ash was driving, with Ice and Maxine for company. Teddy and Slevin had drawn the short straws to ride with her. "Exit for 94 coming up in two miles. That should take us straight into town."

[info]forgivemefather in [info]light_of_may

I've been a saint to those poor unfortunate souls

Who: Daniel and Salvatrix
Where: Amazing Grace
When: Just after service

I admit that in the past I've been a nasty. )

[info]liveandlearn in [info]light_of_may

winds of change are set to blow.

Who: Brendan, Ronnie Ducaine (NPC), and some NPC home-owner.
Where: A random Scarlet Oak backyard.
When: Afternoon.

At first he didn’t realise anything was really wrong, at least not until he felt something, something he didn’t recognise, something inside himself almost, and then he saw the small spark of light where there really shouldn’t have been one. Right in front of his eyes, the flowers he had been working on neatening caught fire. )

[info]blueflame in [info]light_of_may

I read the news today, oh boy

Who: Maddie and Santiago (NPC)
Where: Maddie's house, her "bedroom"
When: Before dawn

And somebody spoke and I went into a dream. )

[info]blueflame in [info]light_of_may

Sometimes the system goes on a blink

Who: Maddie and Bella
Where: Bella's house
When: Lunchtime

And the whole thing it turns out wrong. )