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January 22nd, 2011

[info]thebiglutovsky in [info]light_of_may

...Never stood and said "My Name is No One"...

Who: Conrad.
Where: The road into the city proper.
When: Late night to Pre-dawn.
Note: *Credit: "Sunrise" by Jacqui Thornton.

..And went a little Mad... )

[info]trickylittlegun in [info]light_of_may

I can't stand to see you cry

Who: Nikita and Silvia
Where: Police station, then hopefully home
When: Morning

Come home with me when the party ends. )

[info]handson in [info]light_of_may

Bitches? Get shit DONE.

Who: Jasper and Erin
When: Early morning
Where: U of M hospital

By morning, Erin was feeling pretty normal again. Also, the second she checked the news, she was feeling like a psychic in a whole new way. Warnings for possible demonic activity tomorrow. Well, great. Yeah, it was a great idea to get Jasper out of the hospital. The place was always a mad house when that happened. She was just full of awesome ideas.

She headed out to the hospital a little earlier than she was due for work, wanting to give Jasper the blood before her shift. She stopped briefly in her office to grab her lab coat and stash her purse, placing the 4oz vial of blood in her coat pocket as she headed to Jasper’s room. She’d looked up how much it would take to heal him, and discovered she could safely divide the blood four ways. Vampire blood seemed like a good thing to hang onto, what with the way that demons seemed to have a hard-on for her house. Yeah, that was a fucking excellent plan.

She was in a mixed mood as she walked down the hall. On one hand, holy shit yay she got to heal Jasper. On the other, it was quite possible the next few days were going to suck anyway. Nuts. Her steps grew softer as she neared his room, not sure if he’d be awake or not. This time, rather than knocking, she peeked her head in the door for a look-see.

Read more... )

[info]paramedic_chick in [info]light_of_may

And guess what? I'm having more fun

Who: Lumi and Roxy
Where: Lenore's
When: Noontime

I'm alright. I'm just fine. )

[info]paramedic_chick in [info]light_of_may

Don't it make you sad to lose the things you love?

Who: Kiley and Roxy
Where: Starbucks
When: Afternoon

Don't it make you feel like your hands are off the wheel? )

[info]paramedic_chick in [info]light_of_may

No where in the suburbs in the cold light of day

Who: Quentin and Roxy
Where: That one cafe they keep going to, now dubbed lol!cafe
When: Evening

There in the midst of it, so alive and alone, words support my bones. )