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September 6th, 2010

[info]yourinadequacy in [info]light_of_may

I want to gouge out your eyes

Who: Elizaveta & Katrina
Where: The streets
When: Around midnight

splinter your spine. )

[info]sarcasticbite in [info]light_of_may

Little T & Big T bonding time

Who: Tristan and Tegan
Where: The wild packlands
When: Early evening

No vampires allowed. Ideally. )

[info]roseblood in [info]light_of_may

all these lessons that we've learned here have only just begun

Who: Jezebelle and Laurent
Where: A Party; Rome, Italy
When: Spring 1893

A party was no place for a pregnant woman, as there was only so long Jezebelle could stand to be on her feet. Her belly ached with the baby inside twisting restlessly, and it didn't help to have ten pounds of clothing weighing her down. She would have rather stayed at home, but Vincent had wanted to show her off and brag about the son he was to have. There was no arguing with him, as his temper was quick to come to a boil and fighting only upset her more. So there she was, dressed in a gown of pale green and ivory, unable to conform to the set fashion of the time. At least no one expected her to wear a corset while she was pregnant, though her feet ached from her heels.

After her third trip to the bathroom, Jezebelle slipped into a side room, pleased to find it empty, and even more pleased to see that it was full of books. Reading was her escape and dark secret, a way to take in knowledge that would never be granted to her otherwise. Vincent didn't like her reading, but he did not keep watch over her every second of the day either. Jezebelle was a firm believer that what he didn't know couldn't hurt him. She scanned the shelves, then selected one to her liking before taking a seat. A few minutes of reading couldn't hurt. No one would even know she was missing.

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[info]lightofmaymods in [info]light_of_may


DATE: Sunday, July 26, 2009.


WEATHER: Slightly overcast, but the sun comes out and the rain has gone away! Hot and humid.

EVENTS: Holy shit, nobody’s turned up drained. Hurray!

No, seriously. Whatever craziness befell Scarlet Oak, perhaps it is over! Forensics are still looking into identifying the mayhem-causing-vampires, but for today… all is calm. Local authorities are promising that if this continues, restrictions and curfews will be lifted. No word on if Berry Days will be rescheduled though. Oh well. Small price to pay for survival, right?

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

[info]silverwhip in [info]light_of_may

you got a kitten's pride

Who: Treat, Eztli (npc familiar), and one mightily annoyed Tanith
When: Late morning
Where: Around Scarlet Oak/a random lake

Treat hooked his right arm over the steering wheel of the rental he was driving. He loved all his cats and would go to any lengths to make sure they were perfectly okay, but Dominicus was simply being a diva. Nevertheless, Treat still found himself in his rental with Dom in the back, in his cage, on the way to the Scarlet Oak Animal Clinic because, well, Dom didn’t like the flight and was still being a spastic moron despite the full-strength kitty Prozac he’d imbibed an hour ago. Treat didn’t want to have his cat OD on anything, so despite the fact that he’d only just gotten in from D.C. a couple hours ago, here he was, again, at the wheel of his car, driving to take his cat to see a vet. He could hear Dominicus hissing in the back. He looked up in the rearview mirror to get a visual of his kitty carrier and sighed. Turning his attention back to the red light, something else caught his attention.


[info]rhapsodyinred in [info]light_of_may

He who hits the road's the one who lives

Who: Kitty
Where: Ad Gustum
When: Early Afternoon

Try as she might, there was just no way for Kitty to rush learning magic. She could sit and study the book for hours, but she quickly learned that the more advanced spells were either going to fail completely or knock her on her ass. Since she didn't want to try and explain how she'd set herself on fire-- or something equally bizarre and painful-- she stuck to trying out the smaller stuff. It was exciting to be able to do anything at all, but it was also a downer, since it was a long way off from breaking her out.

Laying on her bed, Kitty studied the book Kumiko had given her while her finger traced over her most recent scar. If she had a little bit of vampire blood, she knew it would fade almost instantly, but it was unlikely Lex would randomly feed her some without causing her to need it in the first place. Bastard. She couldn't wait for the day when she could fire back at him with magic, and make him think twice about attacking her.


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[info]silverwhip in [info]light_of_may

Are you going to punish me?

Who: Tanith, Alistair (NPC), Eztli (NPC-familiar)
When: Early afternoon
Where: Ad Gustum

At the rate she was going, Tanith was going to kill someone by the time the day was over.

Much to her dismay, when she pulled into the drive of Ad Gustum, Eztli was still running behind her. And if a cougar could have smiled, he would have been. Tanith scowled, parked, and stormed to the door. She waited in the open frame to see if it would follow. It waited, watching her.

“This is your only chance, so play me very carefully,” Tanith spat. “I ought to skin you alive.”

Everyone's getting one over on Tanith today. )

[info]watch_the_sky in [info]light_of_may

If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son

Who: Graham Donovan and Isaiah Williamson
Where: Anywhere But Here
When: 7pmish

I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one. )