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March 5th, 2010

[info]sinful_song in [info]light_of_may

But she's a black magic woman

Who: Adelle and Kikuya
When: Late morning
Where: Cherryblossom Place

And she's trying to make a devil out of me )

[info]cutlassdanziger in [info]light_of_may

Pain for Pleasure

Who: Kinah and one NPC or two
Where: An underground club somewhere in Michigan
When: March, 1998
WARNING: Contains blood, violence, and adult themes

It was the late 1990s, and the electronic/industrial rock scene was at its best - again. Vinyl clothing, dark spaces, violent beats and a lot of spikes, basically. Kinah had seen all of this before, and would undoubtedly see it again. It might be great for a normal human being, how culture reinvented itself by recycling old trends, but to Kinah it was just boring. She had seen it all before several times, could you blame her?

This was an interesting job she had taken. It wasn't everyday that she had the pleasure of going to one of those underground clubs that just so happened to double as fetish 'dungeons' where people came to get the unspeakable done to them by complete strangers. You had to love repression.

She's the hunter, you're the game )

[info]fear_of_fire in [info]light_of_may

Good Morning, Sunshine.

Who: Lucius and Marlowe
When: Early Morning
Where: Their home

It was the first day on a new job and Lucius was looking to make a good impression. That good impression, he figured, could be made by showing up early rather than on time and so he carefully got out of bed, not wanting to wake his sleeping wife and went about getting a shower, shaving and getting ready for work. Once he was dressed and ready, aside from his shoes which he would put on later, he crawled back into bed with his wife, sliding his arms around her body and giving her a smile. "Morning, Beautiful." he murmured, pressing his lips against her neck. "I gotta get finished getting ready but I didn't wanna leave without saying goodbye."

don't come home too quick )

[info]faux_fox in [info]light_of_may

How much soap?

Who: Darcy and Fox
Where: Camelot's laundry room
When: Monday evening

Dear IJ: please stop being a bitch and let me look at my icons, because having to use the defaults is rather annoying. Thank you. )