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February 27th, 2010

[info]devilswater in [info]light_of_may

Please Tell Me That You're Alright

Who: Bren, Dagmar and Slipper (NPC)
Where: Niemi household
When: Late evening

Sundays sucked.

Any day that started with a family meal was going to suck and that meant all Sundays fell into that category when Dagmar was at home. Even hungover her mother'd drag her out of bed. But, amazingly, breakfast hadn't even been the worst part of the day. The worst part had come when she'd reached the river with her mother and Satu and her mother had told them about Kajsa. Like things weren't bad enough without her sister being in a coma. Getting home had meant Linnea could do what she wanted and her daughters were left to do the same. Which meant, for Dagmar, absolutely nothing. Not even Slipper's antics could cheer her up as she curled on her bed, staring miserably at her phone and the wall, arms wrapped around her body pillow.

Sleeping would've been nice. If she could fall asleep. But her eyes wouldn't stay closed and kept popping open to check the time. Slipper kept popping his head up. You're starting to depress me, the otter informed her, chirping before hopping up on the bed. Which was impressive because Slipper was the cheeriest thing Dagmar'd ever met, so why he was her familiar was anyone's guess. If there was anyone who knew how to do depressed then it was Dagmar. Mostly because she'd learned from the very best; her mother. Tugging at her swimsuit top, Dagmar rolled onto her side and scratched the top of her familiar's head. "Sorry Slip."

[info]upinflames in [info]light_of_may

Creeping up on you is the wrong thing to do

Who: Bren and Mosiah
Where: All over
When: Starting about 11am

I found your address, got your phone number too... )