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February 26th, 2010

[info]breaksomehearts in [info]light_of_may

Dream of demons while you sleep

Who: Harley Villetta and Bren Wilson
When: Early 2009, shortly after winter break
Where: Harley's dorm room at UoM

Then he noticed what she was doing - putting out a fire. On his desk. With her hands. )

[info]living_flame in [info]light_of_may

Making a house a home

Who: Marlowe and Lucius
Where: Their House
When: Evening

Grocery shopping hadn't been the only shopping Marlowe had done that day. There was one major purchase that needed to be gotten, and that was a king sized bed for her and Lucius' bedroom. The one they found was a king sized pine wood sleigh bed in a pine finish, which would be delivered on Monday. That meant the couple would be sleeping on the air mattress again for the next two nights. The bed they had back in Nashville, which had been delivered that afternoon by moving truck along with all their other things, had been put in one of the spare bedrooms for the time being. So to say the living and dining rooms were a bit cluttered at the moment might be understating the situation.

"Lu," Marlowe called out from the kitchen where she was just setting their drinks on the kitchen table, each next to a paper plate upon which sat sub sandwiches the fire elemental had put together. A bowl of chips sitting in the center of everything. "Dinner's ready."

Read more )

[info]creative_spark in [info]light_of_may

Hopefully this one won't go up in flames

Who: Bailey, Dante and OPEN TO ALL
Where: Ink Inc.
When: Afternoon-ish

Work was slow, or at least it was for Bailey. No one had an appointment in her book, though she did have a sketch to finish for someone who had a potential idea for a tattoo. Just some basic Celtic design bullshit that every other moron wanted wrapped around their upper arm. Most didn't care when Bailey informed them that the skin right under the arm was a sensitive as hell and would hurt like a bitch, and the others? Well, she didn't let them know, because they weren't drooling over her past designs. That's what they got for ignoring her - she'd ignore you right back. The design she was working on, however, had her own added twist to it. It looked more like an updated version of some knotwork found in the Book of Kells, but with insanely bright colors that transitioned smoothly into the next color.

Though as excited she was to be making such a bad ass sketch, the pink-haired girl sighed roughly and dropped her copic marker and grabbed her latte to sip on, or at least whatever was left of it. She hoped the dump receptionist would come back soon so Bailey would stop working the front and so she could finally get a new coffee with some lunch. Bitch took forever and at this point she was probably doing it on purpose to piss off Bailey. That coffee better have been made by god himself or else it was getting chucked at the bitch's face.

[info]murderbysong in [info]light_of_may

Step up to me

Who: Bartleby (okay, technically a zombie NPC) and Kiara
Where: The park
When: 11:30 p.m.

Wanna be a big time player )

[info]paramedic_chick in [info]light_of_may

If you're looking for hot water, don't get shocked when you get burned with it

Who: Adelle, Fina, and Roxy
Where: Starbucks
When: Noontime

There had to be a word that exceeded "clusterfuck," because that alone didn't sum up Roxy's week. Charlene had been attacked by a hunter and rush to the hospital, Fina's man had decided to skip town, Adelle got bit by a goddamn vampire, and K-lee decided to fuck up her life some more by dropping the bomb on her mom that she was a lesbian. Well, the last part was covered up... for now. She couldn't hide behind Quentin forever, and she doubted the poor guy wanted to be putting up with that line of bullshit too long. Roxy still hadn't talked to Charlene about it, nor had she mentioned it to her two best friends.

Which was why the three just had to meet up, if nothing else.

Roxy had gotten to Starbucks first, already sitting by the window and watching it rain outside, all while sipping on her iced drink. As much as she loved the cooler weather, she hated what it did to her hair, which was why she had it pulled back into a tight ponytail and a headband. Every three minutes she had to readjust it just to make sure it didn't look absolutely retarded. She didn't like sitting by herself and was getting anxious with meeting up with the other two. How long had it been since they met up? Way too long, that was for sure. At least she was getting to see them before the party, because she had to let them know what was going on. Roxy wasn't going to let Quentin go through the entire thing in the dark. Besides, that's what girl friends were for.

[info]offtherunway in [info]light_of_may

Dead leaves and the dirty ground when I know you're not around

Who: Karine and Kikuya, and Makoto (NPC)
Where: Whisper's home
When: Morning

Kikuya had planned on going over to Whisper's place at some point. It was more or less in order after the fiasco with the tabloids. As much as she enjoyed her time in Las Vegas, she did not approve of the attention she received after it. Even her father called up and asked her what the hell she was thinking. At least the attention wasn't focused on whether or not she was a witch. She far preferred this sort of attention over the supernatural bullshit.

What exactly they would do when Kikuya arrived was beyond the model. Perhaps she could take Whisper out in her new ride, which was all thanks to the vampire, after all. Or maybe they could shred a bunch of magazine and use the scraps to feed a fire or something. Wait, no, Whisper didn't like fire. Hmm, maybe Makoto could make a nest out of them. Either way, she needed to get out of her house and have some bonding time. Pulling up to the vampire's house, Kikuya stepped out of her shiny new car and grabbed her Gucci bag that held Makoto in it. With that in tow, she made her way to the front door and rang the doorbell, having no thought that... well, maybe Whisper wasn't home.

[info]seewhatyoudont in [info]light_of_may

Work it up, down, out

Who: Hap and Trenton
Where: Local Gym
When: 6:00 p.m. or so

Haven't seen you before - new to the gym? )