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February 23rd, 2010

[info]little_seer in [info]light_of_may

Watch your step

Who: Avizeh and Kristen
Where: Some random store with art supplies
When: Afternoon

Kristen had told Missy that she needed new art supplies. Literally all that she needed to do was drop her off at the store and let her find them herself. But no, her sister'd made a big deal about it and had to come too. Though thankfully Missy was next door looking at something so Kristen didn't have to worry about her looking over her shoulder. Not that she didn't absolutely adore her sister and want her around most of the time. It was just that picking out the right supplies could be a very delicate process and sometimes Missy liked to help just a little too much. Okay, so she couldn't get the best but that didn't mean she had to settle for something that even a nine-year-old knew wasn't good enough.

Kneeling down on the floor in front of the markers, Kristen started to pick her way through them, looking for exactly the right shade of purple. That way she could touch up the statue she was making for Ms. Fable. And because purple was a pretty color that could be used pretty much anywhere. "But if I get the purple then I should get the silver too..." Kristen started talking to herself as she piked her way through until she had quite the little collection stacked up on both sides of her. The ones of the right were 'definitely' and the ones on the left were 'eh, maybe but probably not'.

[info]creative_spark in [info]light_of_may

There ain't no rest for the wicked

Who: Bailey and Jace
Where: Anywhere But Here
When: 9pm

I was walking down the street when out the corner of my eye I saw a pretty little thing approaching me. )

[info]bbstarsnake in [info]light_of_may

Hitting up the courts

Who: Zach aaaand Alanna
Where: Local outdoor basketball court
When: Late afternoon

Zach wasn't tired of being cooped up in his apartment, he was downright sick of it. He'd just finished his summer molt, gone and eaten the kid like any good naga would do and now he was ready to get back out on the town and actually do something. Of course he'd gone and missed the fourth. Wasn't like he'd actually wanted to see the fireworks or go to any of the parties or any of that... okay, so he did, so what? Wasn't like moping was going to make it any better.

So instead he grabbed his basketball, changed into his practice shorts and tank top and headed on down to the courts. There were a few kids hanging around and some teens but he didn't join any of them. It was an overcast day with the promise of rain and he was a little sluggish because of it. Some days his snake nature just got in the way. Normally he wouldn't have come out on a day like this but at least it wasn't cold because he really was going to go stir crazy if he stayed inside any longer. Leaning his bike up against the chain fence he walked over to one of the empty half-courts and shot a few free throws for a warm-up. He'd stretched before he even got on his bike so his muscles didn't need anymore of that and he went into practicing his dribbling routine, focused on the sound of the ball bouncing off the ground and getting his timing right. Though it'd have been more of a challenge if there was actually someone else there.

[info]untamed_heart in [info]light_of_may

who: Annabelle and Chase
when: Sometime around midnight
where: their camping spot
what: naughty shenigans
warnings: NSFW due to nudity and sexual content.

just a holder, really )

[info]vive_la_guerre in [info]light_of_may

rain, sleet, snow or armageddon

Who: Jean-Marie and Salome
When: About four in the afternoon.
Where: Salome's place.

He needed a job with more flexible hours. )

[info]_possessed in [info]light_of_may

He tastes like you, only sweeter

Who: Calista, Jace, and Quentin
Where: The Adara/Calista household
When: Almost noon time

Thanks for the memories. )