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February 20th, 2010

[info]_faithful in [info]light_of_may

always felt like I was outside...

Who: Aaron and Alanna
Where: Apartment --> Park
When: 9:00 p.m.

Nervous? Alanna? For a third date?

...yeah, yeah she was that. She was totally that. She was that ten times over because she had heard a lot of stories from her friends. The fact that she had gone out with Aaron twice, plus that little impromptu lunch at the church, and nothing had happened was apparently a big deal of some sort. She did not get it, what the big deal was. But then again she had also never gone on this many dates with one person in her entire life. She had never gone out with anyone other than Aaron. He had even taken her to the only dance she had a date for back in high school! Maybe that explained why all of her friends, even the ones who only just knew her, were so excited. Sometimes she thought that maybe they were more excited than she was.

...looking in on you )

[info]_soloist in [info]light_of_may

major freakout

Who: Ari and Alanna
Where: Ari's house
When: 7:30am

Ari woke up totally unable to sleep anymore... she was so incredibly nervous for her "date" with Ian tonight. She had to do some massive cooking today but she couldn't even focus on that right now. Needing a friend, Ari picked up her phone and texted Alanna.

I know it's early and I'm really really sorry, but I'm FREAKING OUT about tonight. Can you come over? Pleeeeease?

Pulling herself out of bed, she went to wash her face and brush her teeth. She decided to take a shower after her marathon cooking session since she would likely get nasty from all that. So, she pulled on a robe and sat at her piano to wait for a text back from Alanna to see if she was going to come over.

And it would suck to have a friend die of panic attack. She was going to have to ask Roxy if that was even possible. )

[info]_soloist in [info]light_of_may

and who said dreams didn't come true?

Who: Ari and Ian
When: 8:30pm
Where: the park for fireworks

To say Ari was nervous would be the understatement of the century. )

[info]bloodybrenna in [info]light_of_may

You take your time and you do your crime. Well, you make your bed, I'm in mine

Who: Brenna and Luke
Where: His apartment
When: After the fireworks
What: More seduction
Warning: NSFW

She had herself a little worked up on the way over to Luke's. Yes, she hated him with a fiery passion that rivaled that of mythology. But he was actually good in bed. She couldn't deny him that. Her convertable had her hair blowing all over the place but she wasn't in the mood to care. No, after the preacher's son that afternoon, she needed to be throughly satisfied. Properly. So Luke was a logical choice. He furthered her agenda and scratched the itch that desperately needed proper scratching.

Pulling into the apartment complex, she parked near as she could to his building and shook out her hair as her heels sounded on the pavement. She knew she looked good and didn't give the guy by his car, who was practically creaming himself, a second glance. Or a first, really. She could hear him. Resisting making a face, she moved to the intercom and pushed the button, picking up the phone and making sure her appearance was perfect. No reason for him to think she was cheap for any reason.

"Hey," she said when she heard the click on the other end. "Still wanna put those fingers to good use?"

[info]offtherunway in [info]light_of_may

Every living thing with a fatal sting bark and rattle this curse

Who: Kikuya Akuno, Makoto (NPC), and an unfortunate reporter (NPC)
Where: The Mudhouse
When: Afternoon

Any pour souls who trespass against us, whether it be beast or man, will suffer the bite or be stung dead on sight by those who inhabit this land. )

[info]reluctantsiren in [info]light_of_may

Happy Birthday. Now carry this box.

Who: Jacob and Delilah
When: All day?
Where: Delilah's apartment in Boston, then Scarlet Oak

The decision to move to Scarlet Oak was one that had come surprisingly easy to Delilah, who had had to balance the benefits of being closer to family versus the risks that came with setting herself up in a new town. On one hand, Jacob was the only family she was currently in contact with, her mother still off the radar. On the other hand, she had good spots scoped out in Boston in case a murderlust hit her; it was a big city and random murders were easier to cover than they would be in a tiny town like Scarlet Oak.

But she'd eventually reached the conclusion that she'd rather be nearer to her half-brother (and incidentally in a town with an already-high concentration of supernatural) and take the risk of finding a criminal to stave off a murderlust. So with that, she'd packed her meager belongings and called her half-brother. Finally, it was moving day. All that was left was to load up the truck and go.

[info]heir_reluctant in [info]light_of_may

This Is It

Who: Brady, Quentin, Bryan Porter (NPC), Brandon Porter (NPC)
Where: The Inn
When: Saturday, late morning

In no way related to Michael Jackson's film... which I should watch again, as it was made of win... )