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February 15th, 2010

[info]upinflames in [info]light_of_may

No good, you're up to no good...

Who: Bren and Dagmar
When: Starting around 8pm
Where: A random party, then Dagmar's house

But damn you look good and I'm drunk... )

[info]trickylittlegun in [info]light_of_may

Better than a breakfast hotpocket

Who: Dagmar and Nikita
Where: Dagmar's house for starters, then driving about town
When: Morning

Well good morniiiiiing! You're about to call out sick! )

[info]matriarchkitty in [info]light_of_may

I like my coffee like I like my women... in a plastic cup

Who: Linnea and Saundra
Where:: Linnea's household
When: 6am

MILFs of Scarlet Oak unite! )

[info]fiercetide in [info]light_of_may

A little left of center

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: The river
When: Evening
Warning: NSFW

Don't care what they're saying so long as you're my girl. )

[info]boss_novikov in [info]light_of_may

It's always cold in Siberia

Who: Garrick and Pyotr
Where: An all night driving range
When: About 2am

Ah, there was nothing so nice as an empty driving range at night. The crisp summer air, the peace and quiet, truly one of Pyotr's favorite activities was to head out and take a few shots with some polite discourse. Granted the reason it was so quiet might have something to do with it being July 4th, but for a foreigner with a huge wad of cash it didn't take much cajoling to the owner to allow him to fire off a few shots. So long as he promised that his men would clean up afterwards of course. He was glad that he didn't need to check in with anyone, he did not feel the desire to correct anyone who cracked a smile at his hand crafted clubs this evening.

Still, one could only swing alone into the night for so long without getting bored, so Pyotr had taken it upon himself to inform one of his old contacts that he was in the same town. One of the first names on the list, he still had a few others to say hello to but Garrick had always been one of his favorites. The two of them shared a certain similar viewpoint in looking at the world that made discussing things with him quite refreshing. Sidling himself up for another shot in his little custom golfing outfit (he always wore tiny cleats, even to the driving range, as who knows when you need to step on someone's face?) he swung and let loose a little orb into the sky and watched the gentle arc descend. Tonight would be a good night, indeed.

[info]tiny_ninja in [info]light_of_may

The wings that you burn turn to ashes my dear

Who: Tessa Rogers and Jace Sloper
When: Evening
Where: The Berry Bucket
What: Fire elementals at the fireworks

Perhaps it was a good thing Tessa didn't have easy access to explosives. )