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January 30th, 2010

[info]hearingthings in [info]light_of_may

Who: Madock and Lily
When: Around 5-ish
Where: Chili's, Madock's car

Emo!Lily is emo. )

[info]force_of_mind in [info]light_of_may


Who: Annabelle and Jackson
Where: Sarah's Place
When: Thursday evening

Writing a Jackson post while watching Michael Jackson is an amusing thing... )

[info]offtherunway in [info]light_of_may

Happy birthday to me

Who: Kikuya, Whisper, and bunch of NPCs, namely the Akuno family
Where: Mix Lounge in Las Vegas, Nevada
When: Evening...? Who the hell cares, it's Vegas!

Partying it up Vegas style )

[info]lafilledecirque in [info]light_of_may

Who: Galen and Kaia
When: Mid-morning
Where: Ad Gustum

Kaia was not her usual ray of sunshine-y self. The foul weather had worked its predictable magic on her knee and it hurt, an old familiar ache that made getting around anywhere, especially stairs, the particular brand of hell that came as a result of totally fucking up an important joint. She'd picked at her breakfast, managing an orange with her aspirin, and had limped her way to the rec room reserved for their private use - no clients allowed. Settling in with a comfy blanket and a mindless comedy, Kaia prepared to spend the whole day not moving. It wouldn't last; Kaia was too naturally active to actually be able to spend all day on the couch, but it was nice to take the weight off her leg for at least a little bit.

[info]para_tu_amor in [info]light_of_may

Everything is grey here in your shadow of doubt.

Who: Tobias Davidson and Miranda Torres
Where: SOHS, the faculty lounge
When: Lunchtime

Rather than dwell on it, it was better to be at work, where it was easier to teach and worry about someone else's troubles rather than his own. )