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January 23rd, 2010

[info]flighty_munk in [info]light_of_may

You talk too much

Who: Alanna and Roxy
When: 2:00 p.m.
Where: Coffee shop

Morning class had been a drag. But to be fair, all of Alanna's summer classes were a drag and if she had had an actual choice in the matter she wouldn't be taking any of them. Unfortunately her little incident the summer before had not left her with a choice of any sort. Missing out on an entire semester of school tended to get in the way of graduating on time. And with as long as Alanna had left to get her doctorate's she really didn't want anything making it take longer. Staying on-campus all day despite only having two classes left her with way too much time to wander and think depressing things like that - or study, but who did that in the middle of the day? - but luckily Roxy had answered her texts and now the redhead was practically bouncing outside of the coffee shop on the edge of campus waiting for her to get there.

And she wasn't so excited because she had been waiting to talk about her date with Aaron at all. Oh no, of course not. It was completely because she was about to get something caffeinated and sweet to drink. She did not have to wait too much longer though, because soon enough an ambulance that was driving way too fast pulled up. The driving left no doubt as to who was inside and Alanna waved with a bright smile. "Fiiiiinally," she teased when Roxy climbed out. "I thought I was going to melt waiting out here for you!"

[info]kileyanne in [info]light_of_may

It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah.

Who: Kiley Ricks, Corwin Ricks (NPC) and vague flashes of the were that attacked them
When: The night of June 18, 2008, into the following day
Where: The Ricks campsite just outside of Scarlet Oak / The University of Michigan Hospital
What: Kiley doesn't remember everything that happened that night; she just knows what came afterward.

Clarity came in the form of a hospital bed and the beeping machines Kiley was hooked into. )

[info]ex_waterlill546 in [info]light_of_may

Who: Johan and Annika
Where: Annika's stoop
When: Midmorning, 7/1/09
What: A reunion

blood is thicker than water )