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January 18th, 2010

[info]icanshutyouoff in [info]light_of_may

An old friend back in town

Who: Fina and Chase
When: Afternoon
Where: A small cafe

Chase had been in town a while, but he had been so busy that reconnecting with old friends hadn't been an easy thing to squeeze in. With some free time and an afternoon off, he called up Fina and asked her if she wanted to grab a cup of coffee. Luckily she was up for it. He needed some friendly conversation darn it and Fina was just the one to do it. Once he arrived, he decided to wait to order until the girl arrived, but he settled into one of the little tables and waited for Fina to arrive.

and an offer of match making )

[info]bloodybrenna in [info]light_of_may

Take me, shake me, make me

Who: Brenna and OPEN
Where: Starbucks
When: early afternoon
What: She's bored

The plan to seduce Luke had gone well but Brenna wasn't completely sure that it would crush him. Yet. There was a lot to be done and it would take time. And Brenna was not always the most patient of people. Still, certain things couldn't be avoid. So Brenna decided to spend some time outside her home, perhaps find a temporary play thing. That would certainly improve her day.

So, after putting on her favorite pair of jeans, she headed to Starbucks. A nice iced drink would quench her thrist. Plus the popular coffee spot provided her a perfect picking ground. Her heels clacked on the sidewalk and she barely glanced up from her phone when someone held the door for her. She walked over to the counter and ordered an iced americano, two pumps classic, one sugar free vanilla, light ice. After reminding them to use filtered water, she waited at the end of the counter, seeming to be texting. In reality, she was watching the people in the small coffee shop, trying to decide if anyone was worth it.