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January 6th, 2010

[info]giddyinthesky in [info]light_of_may

On the eleventh day of Christmas...

Who: Small Gideon and Gramma Unterkoffer (NPC)
When: January 5th, 1955
Where: A little kitchen in Harlan, Kentucky
What: A seasonal flashback full of cuteness

[info]dusty_storm in [info]light_of_may

Everything I Do Makes Sense

Who: Dusty and Gareth (and Cat)
When: Sunday night, around 11 or so
Where: Their trailer

Could blame the devil - he gave me the shovel to dig my own grave. )

[info]withoutachoice in [info]light_of_may


Who: Morrigan and Eric
When: Late Night
Where: A dive bar in Ann Arbor
What: A ghostly witness

She felt trapped. Stuck. Caged. However you wanted to put it, it was how she felt, and there didn’t seem to be any real escape from this cycle of trying to forget that she was trapped, that she felt trapped, and the nearly crushing realization that she was still trapped. Even the word echoed funnily in her head, trapped. Trapped, trapped, trapped. It sounded like a steel cage snapping around her, didn’t it?

She wasn’t trapped by emotion, or society, or some billion and a half reasons that others could be trapped. No, she was trapped for an entirely different reason, a completely different source than anyone she’d ever heard admit to.

Being a siren was a trap.

A beautiful, eternal, trap. )

[info]child_of_gaia in [info]light_of_may


Who: Raina, Rowena and the Parentals
When: Mid Evening
Where: The Scott Household

Noun - the act of converging (coming closer) )

[info]liafae in [info]light_of_may

This is morning

Who: Ammo and Lia
When: Sunday Midmorning
Where: On the way to coffee

And there's a piece of me in every single second of every single day. )

[info]darcyanne in [info]light_of_may

Placeholder I think? Must double check.

[info]_faithful in [info]light_of_may

I've got a crush on you

Who: Alanna and Aaron
Where: 7 Springs Baptist Church
When: Noonish - after church

But I'm just a daydreamer, a hopeless believer )

[info]lightofmaymods in [info]light_of_may


DATE: Monday, June 29, 2009.

WEATHER: No changes from yesterday.

EVENTS: The civilian group at Anywhere But Here is still running, though since half of the participants are back to work today, it's a bit lessened. Work or no work, there are still volunteers taking calls and reporting them to those able to respond, and it does seem to be helping!

Local authorities are turning their attention to the aftermath of the outburst of attacks. In Scarlet Oak's local paper, a list of people unaccounted for since the attacks is published. It is not as bad as major cities report, but still a grounding experience. There's also a tie-in article about 12-year-old Silvia Anderson. Sadly, the bodies of both of her parents have been found – but there has been no sign whatsoever of their young daughter. Authorities fear they are looking for another body.

As predicted, city officials have come to a decision regarding Scarlet Oak's annual 4th of July fireworks festival. Surprising to many, festivities will go on as planned – with extra security, and the possibility of a curfew if attacks are still being reported closer to the actual date.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

[info]renvalin in [info]light_of_may

Pull my strings; watch me move

Who: Artemis Young and Ren Valin
Where: Dog Ink and then Sunny's Diner
When: June 29th / 2009 - Afternoon

If you think this is good, imagine what I'd look like if I showered and wore clean clothes without holes in them. )

[info]renvalin in [info]light_of_may

The Coyote, The Bear & The Unsuspecting Customer

Who: Ammo, Imogene and Ren
When: Monday 29th | around 2pm
Where: Dog-Ink

Ammo had been looking for some new ink for almost half a year now. )

[info]_cookiedough in [info]light_of_may

I Can Haz Home?

Who: Aetheria, Aurora & Silvia
When: Morning
Where: Scarlet Oak Humane Society

Silvia had been in the cage for too long. She'd expected to come in and be adopted within the day because really, she knew how adorable she was. And unlike the other kittens she knew how to prance around and do all sorts of cutesy things when prospective owners came in. Only... not many people had come in. If it wasn't for the fact that she'd been determinedly avoiding thinking about the reason why she was in her current predicament, Silvia probably would've realized that people weren't coming in to adopt pets because there were more important things to worry about.

Like the fact that she was being fed that disgusting cat food again. Silvia turned up her little kitty nose at the small bowl that the nice lady set down in front of her, batting at the little dry bits with one of her paws. She was not going to eat that and the superior kitty look that she directed at the people watching her let them know exactly that. Giving a displeased mew, Silvia turned and hopped up on top of the small stand where the other kittens she was sharing the cage with slept. They were all smaller than her and none of them near as cute, so far as Silvia was concerned. But they were nice and warm so, purring, she stretched out between them, one small paw supporting her small head as she watched for the prospective owners to come in so that she could charm them. She needed to run around again!

[info]sirensdreams in [info]light_of_may

This aint a scene, it's a god damn arms race!

Who: Sammy, Trigger, and some Npcs...
When: Early Early morning.-flashback!
Where, the streets, Minneapolis 2006

Sammy walked out into the cool night air, glad for once that she had chosen a bar closer to home. She was completely sated, and very,very happy as She walked away from the dead body in the alley. She stopped just at the mouth of the street and looked at her watch. It was a quarter to 2 in the morning,an early finish by her standards. She took a deep breath,fixed the straps of her dress, and walked down the street towards home, practically purring with satisfaction at how wonderfully the night had gone.

The man hadn't even put up a fight, it was all to easy to plaster him with drinks and then lure him to his doom. She didn't even have to sing to him. All in all it was a good night and she was ready to go home.

It was calm and quiet tonight. The last of the bar flies had drifted on home to their miserable lives, and Sammy was free to do whatever she pleased. Her senses were on over drive; she could feel the cool night air rushed around her, she could almost taste the salt from the nearby river, and the sound of her heels clicking against the pavement went in rhyme with her heart. Life was good.

[info]ex_madmadiso898 in [info]light_of_may

Mercy In You

Who: Madison and Reid
When: Monday 8pm | June 29th
Where: Shimmer
Warning: Bad language and violence

I can't speak for Misha baby-doll. I mean, I understand, he's your roomie, and you probably just wuv him right to death, but... well, if he's not interested, then he's not interested. )

[info]goestodreamland in [info]light_of_may

Is There Room for One More?

Who: Fox and Annette
Where: Benton Investigations
When: Late morning

And sometimes ended with monkey, monkey underpants. True story. )