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November 11th, 2009

[info]searchfortrees in [info]light_of_may

The Most Futile Hunt

Who: Imogene and Ren
Where: Dog-Ink Tattoo
When: A little after 4:00PM
What: Imogene's looking for a little work to tide her over.

She was trudging along the river. Again. Imogene glared in the vague direction of the sun, silently cursing it for providing the worst possible sort of heat to be running all over town in. She was hot, sweaty, tired, and cursing herself for only snatching two cucumbers this morning. Her stomach didn't appreciate the neglect. And it didn't help that she kept passing delicious-smelling diners and restaurants that she didn't dare set foot in, dressed as she was. She'd been looking for a job for hours, and her luck was horrid. She couldn't really blame people for not wanting to hire someone dressed as she was (even though she had washed her clothes in the river), but really, how could she afford to buy work-appropriate clothing when she didn't have a job? It was a vicious circle.

Looking up, she just happened to spot a sign on a nearby shop - Help Wanted. For a moment her hope rose... then she sighed. Really, why would this place be any different. Still... Imogene squinted at the sign. Dog what now? Ink? A tattoo parlor? Well... at the very least she could peruse the art. She'd always wanted a tattoo, in a vague sort of way, but had never gotten around to getting one. Most of the places back home that would ink you without checking ID were, frankly, disgusting, and she wasn't that stupid. Anyway, she was no artist, and certainly had no experience with this kind of work. Still, it'd be a pleasant break from the heat.

"Please have air conditioning..." Imogene stepped up to the door and pushed it open, peering inside.

[info]struckonce in [info]light_of_may

Breaking The News

Who: Ransom and Charlotte, and his family (NPC)
Where: The car, then the Weiss house
When: Early evening

As Ransom pulled up in front of Charlotte's house, he took one last drag off his cigarette then stubbed it out before popping a piece of gum in his mouth. It was a nasty habit that he'd almost broken, except in times of stress, and today he'd just finished his second. Unfortunately, he didn't feel any calmer. He just smelled like smoke, a point his mother was sure to point out. Maybe it would distract her, though, and that could be a good thing. Ransom couldn't decide, and didn't linger on it, instead hopping out of the truck to run up to Charlotte's front door. If his plans weren't enough to put him on edge, it was trying to rain. Shooting an agitated glance to the heavens, he knocked on Charlotte's front door.

Anna being capable of speaking up whenever she wanted changed things more than Charlotte would have thought. Usually, Anna's thoughts were just a low sound in the back of her head she could focus on or not, if she wasn't close-by. Like now, with Charlotte upstairs on her computer, and Anna downstairs. "It's Ransom!" her voice filled Charlotte's head, just as if she had shouted upstairs. Charlotte grinned faintly as she got up and ran down the stairs. Upon opening the door and hugging him quickly, her inferior nose noted the scent of smoke. And she knew what that meant. "Bad day?"

Read more... )

[info]charlieangel in [info]light_of_may

Happy Father's Day

Who: Charlotte
When: Morning
Where: Auburn Hills, MI

Charlotte had not yet seen her crazy golden invitation to the Moriarty mansion. She had been out. Father's Day usually bummed her out a little, along with the obvious dates: her dad's birthday, the anniversary of his death. When she lived in Auburn Hills, she'd made a point of going to his grave. And now that his grave was a little over an hour away, she went anyway. It was kind of silly, an earth elemental using up gas just to sit at a grave for a while, but it was important to Charlotte. And screw it, she had a hybrid. So when she woke up, she grabbed her keys and went.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. )

[info]charlieangel in [info]light_of_may

visiting a friend

Who: Lizzy and Charlotte
When: Around 12:30 PM
Where: The Owl's Nest

Charlotte had spent most of the morning in Auburn Hills, until around eleven and her mom called, asking her to come home. Isadora had sounded excited, and insisted she had a surprise for Charlotte. Which was very nice, but Charlotte had never cared much for surprises. They made her nervous. So when she got back into Scarlet Oak and realized that Lizzy was due for her break... well, hey, that was fate, right? She turned around and headed towards the Owl's Nest - which, for the record, Charlotte had always thought was the coolest name ever.

She parked and headed inside, politely declining the host's offer to seat her, and instead asking for where Lizzy was taking her break. Look at me! I'm being social! Gold star!

[info]lolling_tongue in [info]light_of_may


Who: The Unrolling Stones (Will and Ben)
When: Early Afternoon
Where: The Stone Home
Canis lupus familiaris: A descendant of the Grey Wolf )

[info]lullabyhaze in [info]light_of_may

Don't Leave Us

Who: Brogan, Penny, Ennis, and Vol (NPC)
Where: U of M Hospital
When: Sunday June 21, 2009 late evening

Just can't say goodbye )

[info]scotsmanmoo in [info]light_of_may

Who: Hamish and Madison
Where: Their house
When: Nighttime, around 9.

Hamish was sitting in the living room, sighing as the Madagascar 2 movie played on his big TV. He didn't really get why the movie was funny, but he'd promised himself to watch it because of the penguins. He'd heard they were really funny. All over the glass coffee table were plans for the supernatural party for Shimmer, last minute details and bills he had to pay.

Picking up a glitter cannon from the box he'd just gotten in the mail he turned it over in his hands, looking over it and then pulling the trigger. He frowned, looking down the nozzle, then turned it away and found a string handing out. He yanked the string and there was a loud bang, which made him leap in the air as glitter exploded out of the end, forming a large cloud in the living room.

"Well done!" the lead penguin quipped on the TV, and blinking, stunned, Misha watched the glitter drift down to the floor.

"Oh hell," he murmured, blinking, then blushed. Well, at least Maddie wasn't here to see the mess.

[info]offtherunway in [info]light_of_may

What could possibly be better than a delivery boy showing up?

Who: Kikuya and Makoto (NPC)
When: Late morning
Where: Cherryblossom Place

I didn't ask for an envelope! I wanted- Ooo, what's this? )

[info]in_the_genes in [info]light_of_may

You Can Help

Who: Danny and Tim (NPC. He even has a profile now!)
Where: The Montgomery House
When: Sunday evening

This is the real day where he gives thanks. Although it does lack turkey and pumpkin pie. )

[info]force_of_mind in [info]light_of_may

Make Or Break

Who: Annabelle and Jackson
Where: Annabelle's loft
When: Sunday, early evening

It isn't going to be like one of those 'a diamond is forever' commercials... )

[info]rocksrule in [info]light_of_may

The Doctor and the Highlander

Who: Hieronymus, Misha, and Bruce (NPC)
When: early evening
Where: A nice park somewhere