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October 30th, 2009

[info]intheair in [info]light_of_may

Who: Artemis Young and Ren Valin
Where: Dog-Ink Tattoos & Piercings
When: Saturday, June 20th / 2009 - 9:30AM

...she knocked on the glass, quietly at first, and then realizing he wouldn't hear that upstairs, she banged harder, really, really hoping he wasn't dead...the dumb ass. )

[info]jetecroispas in [info]light_of_may

Who: Anastasia Dubois
Where: Rogue Desires
When: Saturday, June 20th 2009 - 3 am.

He'd missed her )

[info]searchfortrees in [info]light_of_may

Who: Imogene and Lucas
Where: Woods outside of town
When: Noon-ish

Imogene had turned away from the main road a little while ago. No one had picked her up in over a week, anyway, so she figured it was about time to give her thumb a rest. Besides, she’d spotted what she took to be a little trail going off into the woods, more or less the direction she was heading, and it was always better to be surrounded by more trees rather than fewer, in her opinion.

But she was beginning to regret her choice. The ‘trail’ had narrowed, and by now the understory was so overgrown that it must have vanished all together. Of course it was possible she might have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way, but she was confident enough in her navigational skills that the very idea seemed absurd. It was the trail’s fault entirely, and she paused to scowl at the forest floor, head tilted and nostrils flaring slightly as she tried to puzzle out her next move.

[info]panthera_onca in [info]light_of_may

You can ponder perpetual motion, fix your mind on a crystal day,

Who: Torque and Lia
Where: Off to Joe's Crab Shack
When: Early Evening
What: Crab Legs!