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July 20th, 2009

[info]elizadoloads in [info]light_of_may

Today was awkward.

Who: Eliza and Teluah
Where: Eliza and Emma Jane's apartment
When: 6pm-ish

Why, you ask? )

[info]_clairevoyant_ in [info]light_of_may

Condoms and Learning Curves

Who: Gabe, Claire, Charlotte, and Ransom
Where: Road Trip!
When: 9:15am onwards!

"We're taking too many cars," Gabe said, looking at the line up. All the camping gear had been piled into the back of Charlotte's mom's truck, but why take the truck if the SUV was empty. "Why don't we move the gear to the back of the SUV and Claire and I will ride with you and Charlotte. It'll save on gas," he said, looking over at Ransom. Gabe popped the hitch on the back of the truck and began to grab the gear. "Here, help me shift this over."

Yeah, she was prepared alright. For a horror movie and a porno. Augh. )

[info]_happygolucky_ in [info]light_of_may

Every Couple has Disagreements

Who: Jessalyn and Madock
When: Morningish and on
Where: Madock's car!

While everyone at Charlotte's was piling into cars, Jessalyn was happy that she was going to be getting Madock all to herself. Not that she minded other people driving with them, but she didn't want to worrying about embarrassing them during a three hour car ride. With Madock, she could be herself and she knew he wouldn't judge her for it. She didn't bring much, only a small bag with some clothes, a sleeping bag and pillow, all of which fit in Madock's trunk. Once they were on their way, Jessalyn took Madock's hand to hold while he drove, simmering with excitement. "I can't remember the last time I slept outside," she said. "I mean, other than being in wolf form. Especially with so many people! Have you ever been on a trip like this with your friends before?"

We'll bicker and then we'll kiss and make up. )

[info]heir_reluctant in [info]light_of_may

Who: Brady and Emma Jane
Where: The Inn
When: 1 PMish

Insecurities Rising )

[info]secret_sorrel in [info]light_of_may


Who: Kaye and Erika
Where: The Flower Petaler
When: Afternoon

Customers )

[info]i_can_has in [info]light_of_may


for a maybe scene with Lily and Bunny?

[info]in_the_genes in [info]light_of_may

Who: Danny & Nate
Where: The Park
When: 5 pmish

Funny how much they have in common... )

[info]child_of_gaia in [info]light_of_may

Thou dost nourish these young flowers/Till they grow in scent and hue

Who: Rowena and Raina
Where: The Scott Residence
When: Just before 1 pm

Raina’s day had been mostly been spent picking up some new flowers to fill in some ‘spaces’ in her garden, and then planting them. She had to admit, without a class to teach full of occasionally screaming pack of wild five year olds, she was feeling a bit at loose ends. The garden was already green and bursting, dotted with bright colors of flower petals blooming like a font of color in a plush and vibrant emerald world.

With dirt under her fingernails, her mussed curls hastily thrown up in a ponytail/bun hybrid, the woman was anything but presentable. Not that it mattered, as she planted the little flowering plant, closing the rich earth around its exposed roots and patting it firmly into place. With a bit of concentration, and a touch of her finger by the base, it gave a little jolt and grew several inches, firmly rooting itself into its new home. Raina smiled at her last little seedling went into place, brushing herself up off and getting to her feet.

Thirst demanding to be quenched, dry in her throat, just like the plant was, the elemental first double checked the drip watering system on her garden, and then headed inside to get something to drink for herself. Lemonade, that sounded delicious.

[info]charlieangel in [info]light_of_may

around the campfire

Who: camping trip teens!
When: Mid-late evening
Where: Higgins Lake

The sun was setting over the lake, turning the sky and its reflection on the water beautiful shades of pink, blue, and purple. Setting up the camp had gone smoothly, as had getting the jet skis and boat out of storage and in the water. It had been a tiring day for Charlotte, but she already felt like it was more than worth it.

Having just finished dinner a bit ago, she sat in front of the fire and passed around sticks to make smores to anyone who looked interested. "I think in the movies this is the part where we all start singing hokey songs." Or get stabbed to death by a machete-toting psychopath. She grinned, neither prospect sounding inviting. "Anyone got a better idea?"

[info]thoughtsareloud in [info]light_of_may

What I really meant to say / Is I'm sorry for the way I am

Who: Rhys & Freddie
Where: Higgins Lake
When: Late Evening, after the campfire fun
What: Truth is spilled and all hell breaks loose.

The past three days with Freddie had been... amazing. Rhys still couldn't get over how perfect for him she was and this was exactly why he had to tell her the truth. She had to know that he was telepathic. She needed to know that he heard her thoughts, something that was so intimate and that he shouldn't have heard. But this was the right thing for him to do and he wanted to be as honest with her as possible.

He kept telling himself that this was what he needed to do. That Freddie deserved the truth. But part of him was terrified that all the chemistry and feelings they had would be negated when she found out this detail. He should have told her before and been honest with her from the very beginning. So much guilt welled up inside of him.

Rhys took a deep breath as he walked over to where Freddie was. He snuck up behind her and kissed her cheek as his arms curled around her middle. "You wanna go for a walk?" He whispered into her ear. It would be best if they could be alone.