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Dec. 7th, 2010



I'm looking for Poppy. She's a teensy bit taller than me, blond hair, and she has an Uncle Tim. OH! And she's never celebrated Christmas. Ever. Can you just imagine how many presents she'll get this year when Santa knows where she's going to be?!?!?!?!? Tons and Tons! I can't wait to see her face.

Also, I think my friend Peter left, and it makes me sad. I don't want to be sad. Can someone tell me where Poppy is so I can cheer her up?

Dec. 3rd, 2010


[Public] Posted by I. Duke

I've just moved into the Aubade, but I'm not new to Seattle. It seems to me that its streets are even filthier of late. Such a shame. Someone should stage a citywide cleanup. Think of the environment. Think of the children. Think of the poor creatures with whom we share the city.

Except for the pigeons - they are more disgusting than they are "poor."

I'm doing my part. Are you?

Nov. 17th, 2010


I'm bored. There hasn't been much to fix lately. Can't you people break things for me?

OH! Jim, did you see the fish-catching thingy I made you? I left it on the work bench cause Peter distracted me. I hope it helps with that fish problem JP was talking about. Does anything else need fixing? Or making? Because I really am bored. And last time I got bored I started taking everything apart and put it back together. That'd be boring since I've done it already. :(

Nov. 9th, 2010


Hello good people of Seattle!

I need real recommendations for the best clubs in the area ASAP.

Strike that.

Let's make them "reviews" - glowing, mediocre, was-amazing-a-decade-ago. You get the picture. I don't trust Google and its questionable reviews and ratings any farther than I can throw them and my assistant's on strike regarding alcohol establishment reviews. I won't even bother asking about the coffee. I don't want to start a war.

Nov. 4th, 2010


Its 3am. In the morning. This bad bad bad bad bad. Why? Because I fully intend to get up at 9am to go make this super cool surprise thing for Jim. It's like, an Etch-e-Sketch calendar type thing that would be totally helpful. In lots and lots of ways. I sketched it up and everything. But now I might not wake up in time if I go to sleep. Plus I'm really not that tired. Why am I not tired?? Can some one please make me tired? Please.

Nov. 3rd, 2010


So um.. dudes/dudettes in Hamartia, you might want to avoid the roof for a couple of days. I may or may not have accidently broken the railing just a little bit, last night. Sorry, I’ll have it fixed in a few, I promise! In the meantime, look at the stars from your bedroom windows and find somewhere else for your midnight training sessions (you know who you are! also I hear the dojo’s really awesome). And if you do decide that you can’t keep away, watch out for sharp pointy things and don’t fall off the roof, okay? (Please!)

PS. If anyone finds my skateboard around the building, I would like it back! Just cause it’s fallen off the roof and may be broken, doesn’t mean I don’t want the parts!