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Jan. 9th, 2013


you shouldn't talk with strangers.

Who: Cheila and Persephone That's right
When: Late afternoon
Where: Somewhere in the woods
Warning: ...Persephone playing with an angelic-blooded Elias. I mean... think about it >.<

Bring me a rabbit, Chopper. )

Jul. 11th, 2012


& i'm killing them all on my own little mission

Who: Persephone and OPEN
Where: Heme
When: Late at night
Warning: Persephone is in a place with alcohol

Necromancers in a vampire bar, wouldn't that be just the thing? Okay, so Bianca was still a little baby necro who didn't even know how to animate a whole big dead dog, but Delta did and there wasn't a better way to learn than to jump right in and start pushing the buttons. )

May. 5th, 2012


night's in are almost as good as night's out

Who: Bianca, Delta and Persephone
Where: Delta's apartment
When: Late at night

'Come here and give grandma a hug.' )

Apr. 26th, 2012


the bodies in the streets

Who: Briony & Persephone (& NPC legionaries)
Where: The bridge
When: Early afternoon

& when you're gone we want you all to know we'll carry on. )

Mar. 16th, 2012


Still feel the rainfall bouncing off my skin

Who: Eilidh and *OPEN*
When: Midday
Where: Clothing store

Eilidh had been in the Mortal Realm for several weeks and she felt as though she had not even made a dent in absorbing all of the information they had to offer. It seemed like every day when she woke up and headed out she was all-but assaulted with waves of new knowledge that even she wasn't able to absorb all at once. No these things took time, which so far as she knew she had an eternity of, and she was beyond thrilled with it. She hadn't lacked things to study or read at home, but she felt like she'd been getting close and here she had an entire history to comb through. The library had proven to be one of her favorite places, though she'd been most disappointed when they'd asked her politely to leave several nights in a row. Closing time was possible her least favorite thing. She didn't even understand the point of it. Wouldn't it be better if the doors were open all night so that everyone could seek knowledge whenever they found themselves in need of it?

Though today she wasn't seeking knowledge. Today she was seeking a warmer outfit. )

Feb. 22nd, 2012


Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain

Who: Persephone and **ooooooopen**
Where: Anywhere But Here
When: 11:00 p.m. or so
Warning: Well, you know, demon being demon-y

But Persephone said 'give me your recovering alcholics... they're more fun to tip off the wagon'. )

Jan. 10th, 2012


i'm ready to suffer & i'm ready to hope

Who: Madeleine & Persephone
Where: Just past the bridge
When: 11.37 and on?

it's a shot in the dark and right at my throat. )

Oct. 13th, 2011


Ooh la la I can stop the bleed

Who: Bianca, Delta and Persephone
When: Night
Where: A bar with karaoke

Ooh la la is it getting worse? )

Oct. 11th, 2011



For a solo with Persephone that I'm not sure I'll get done before the time update >.>