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Dec. 19th, 2013


Who: Teddy and Lucia
When: Late morning
Where: Local electronics store

Two technokinetics walk into an electronics store... )

Nov. 4th, 2012


Don't you know it's supposed to feel better for boys?

Who: Raphael and Lucia
Where: Hair 'o the Dog
When: At around 10pm
NSFW (maybe)

Raphael was starting to have an itch. It was nothing out of the ordinary anymore, considering this happened way too often and it was only a bad thing because it meant his game was starting to show weakness and because lack of sex did horrible things to his mood and general ability to focus. The first drinking place he saw after leaving the auto shop was where he walked in; chances were fairly good that on a Sunday night he'd find some drunken sluts ready for anything. And if he didn't, he could always leave.

He ordered himself a beer and looked around, sizing the place up. Raphael only now noticed this was an authentic Irish pub, something he hadn't been in for years. He wasn't so sure this was a good slut hangout but he'd already ordered so he might as well drink the damn thing and curb his needs for a little while longer. Hopefully no drunken asshole would mess with him, in which case things might not go as smoothly. His physiology had the horrible habit of turning unfulfilled sexual necessities into violent tendencies after a while.

Aug. 13th, 2012


Who: Elaine and Lucia
When: 12am-ish
Where: A club in downtown A2

going clubbing! )

Mar. 19th, 2012


What do you call a 'walk of shame' if you have none?

Who: Cels and Lucia
When: Mid-morning
Where: A bench outside a McDonalds

Is it just a walk? )

Nov. 7th, 2011


Who: Ryan and Lucia
When: Night
Where: Plush

Shenanigans )