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Jan. 1st, 2011


Fizzy drinks & spazzing phones

Who: Aurora and Dashiell
Where: Diner -> electronics store
When: Early afternoon

Some people shouldn't play with the display phones. )

Oct. 10th, 2010


I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel

Who: Dashiell & NPCed vampires + other victims
When: 2004
Where: Greece, across an ocean, a road trip and, eventually, New York
What: The first part of Dashiell's "missing five years"

I'm cold and I'm ashamed, lying naked on the floor )

Sep. 26th, 2010


Something always brings me back to you

Who: Aetheria, Aurora, Caelia, Cheila and Diana! (Elias women FTW) - oh right, and the boy, Dashiell XD
Where: Elias home
When: Early afternoon

It never takes too long. )

Aug. 30th, 2010


Drip drop move the box

Who: Dashiell and Diana
Where: The new Elias home
When: Afternoon

Moving into a house was a straining experience not helped at all by the fading storm. So most people would've rather moved when it wasn't raining but Diana had enjoyed the process of searching for a house during the storm. The realtor had been confused and Barnabas had insisted on staying in the hotel but Diana had been insistent and when the elemental insisted on something she did get her way. But now the beautiful weather had changed into this drizzle and, while Diana toyed with the idea of making it stronger, the Elias family was moving into their new Scarlet Oak house. Aetheria, Aurora and Amaya seemed settled there and since Caelia was there as well it seemed only reasonable to move in for awhile. Until Diana could convince them to come back to Greece where they belonged. The money hadn't been a problem, Barnabas had some sort of fund that Diana didn't completely understand but the lack of a mountain or at least a cliff was disheartening. Where was all of the wind supposed to come from?

Sighing to herself and ignoring the clipped remark from her familiar about how they should've been doing all of this at night, Diana glanced around until she spotted her son. My son. It warmed her heart to be able to think those words again and know that he was right there. She could reach out and touch him and not worry about what was happening to him or where he was. "Dashiell," she called, waving him over to the car. "Help me with this box." She didn't need the help since it was just full of the gauzy white curtains she liked because of how they moved in the wind, she just wanted him to be nearer. Until she'd gotten used to the fact that he wasn't going anywhere Diana was probably going to be a little doting. Unless her mind wandered, which was quite likely.

Jun. 15th, 2010


I was leaving footprints tainted by my past on this winding road to you

Who: Aetheria and Dashiell
Where: The park
When: Noontime

Have you ever screamed out into the dark, thinking no one else could hear. )

May. 15th, 2010


You'll feel when the wind blows

Who: Caelia and Dashiell
Where: the grocery store/pharmacy
When: 8ish in the morning

She didn't know how long she'd be staying, but it was better to be safe than sorry. )

Apr. 24th, 2010


Reunited and it feels so good. <3

Who: Diana and Dashiell
When: July 11th, early evening
Where: Ann Arbor AmTrak Station and other places

Dashiell got off the train when the conductor told him to. As he stepped out, the conductor gave him the strangest look, asked him one more time if he was sure before shrugging and letting the boy step out into his quote-unquote imminent doom. Dashiell, on the other hand, was blissfully unaware of any strange going-ons in Scarlet Oak or in Ann Arbor, for that matter. He was simply on his way to what he heard was a safer place.

Reunited coz we understood. )