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Oct. 11th, 2011


Trust me, it's a crazy time

Who: Alanna and Quinn
Where: UofM Hospital
When: Early afternoon

Where everything's up and changing again. )



For a solo with Persephone that I'm not sure I'll get done before the time update >.>

Oct. 10th, 2011


Sometimes I feel like my only friend is the city I live in, the city of angels

Who: Luke and Frances
Where: The streets of Scarlet Oak
When: Late afternoon

Lonely as I am, together we cry. )



For Linnea, Dagmar and Satu. Because last time wasn't bad enough


Your jet or mine?

placeholder for Kayla, Angeline, and Domina unleashed on an unsuspecting NYC. I swear I'm going to start this as soon as I've actually slept.


Dead is the new alive

Who: Livia, Liliya & Maureen (NPCed)
Where: Heme
When: Night

Life's only living rival. )

Oct. 9th, 2011


Though I'm giving her her empire

Who: Liliya and Maureen (NPC)
Where: Liliya's home
When: Faaar too early in the morning

I carry on the weight of empty promise. )

Oct. 6th, 2011


Swirling like angry clouds of disco

Who: Kiara and Nikita
Where: Cherryblossom Place
When: Late afternoon

'You are downright boring when you're on crutches.' )

Oct. 4th, 2011


do these things come with intructions?

Who: Aetheria and Diana
Where: The Elias Living Room!
When: Early Afternoon

Aetheria should know by now not to mess with technology )


OMG - clothes!

Who: Cole and Darklis
Where: Darklis' CLOSET OF WONDER house
When: Afternoon

Anyone who let Cole have access to their clothing was cool. )

Oct. 3rd, 2011


Nothing comes close

Who: Antigone, Marisa and Jacob (NPC)
Where: The playground
When: Early evening

The playground had changed a bit from when Marisa had first come to Scarlet Oak. )

Oct. 2nd, 2011


It's breaking ice just to make a new movement

Who: Cheila and Rina
Where: Lenore's
When: Early afternoon

So don't sit still, but don't you move. )


This world can be ugly

Who: Alanna and Kiley
Where: Alanna's place
When: Afternoon

But isn't it beautiful? )


Who: Sasha and OPEN
Where: Bargain Books
When: Early afternoon
What: She's restless and is forced to have a day off

If it was up to her, she would have been working. She needed the money more than she needed rest but her boss had other ideas. It was best that she stopped fighting it, as they had this fight at least once a week. True, Sasha was exhausted and waddling around like she'd swallowed a beach ball. But she had never been the kind of girl who just waited for things to happen. So, faced with either staring at her apartment walls all day or going out into the humidity, she opted to go out for a walk. It didn't take long for her to feel like she was going to melt to death.

She passed a bookstore that looked like it was air conditioned and she slipped inside. Sasha wasn't the best reader, even in Russian, but still, she went towards the childcare section, wanting to take a glance at what was coming up for her in the next month. Maybe it was time to see about visiting a free clinic and getting herself and the baby checked out. She was going to have to do that sooner rather than later the way she was feeling and the way the little one was moving around like crazy. Rubbing her stomach, she leaned against a bookshelf and glanced at the pages of a book, hoping she wasn't in anyone's way. She didn't really feel much like moving in that moment. Maybe days off weren't so bad after all.


Like you were walking onto a yacht

Who: Dylan and those lovely mermaid ladies
Where: In the river, obvs
When: Afternoon

Dylan yawned and stretched, rolling his shoulders before settling down onto his rock again, his arms behind his head. Although his eyes were nowhere near as delicate and squishable as mortal eyeballs, he'd covered them with a pair of eye shields he'd found next to a sleeping fisherman further down river.

He'd been exploring the tributaries of the river for a couple of days now, hoping to find something interesting, something that might make him want to set foot on land and look for those Supernatural Creatures he'd heard about. They couldn't be that hard to miss.

For a couple of days he'd turned up nothing of note, and then he'd come across this little stretch of water. There was a sunken boat which he'd explored and found inhabited; things had been cleaned and rearranged, and some of the objects had been put together as if someone had made a collection out of them. He'd also found a sort of...handmade cave filled with human trinkets, so clearly someone was making use of these waters.

But who were they, and more importantly, what were they? Merfolk? Ondines? Kelpies? There was nothing he could do but wait around to see who/what showed up, so after indulging in a little local cuisine Dylan found a rock to perch on; whatever they were, they couldn't be gone all that long.

Dylan idly swished his fin in the water and licked his tongue across his teeth. Something was stuck. He pulled one arm from under his head and picked up a shard of bone he'd been keeping as a makeshift toothpick.

Those stringy bits were a real pain in the tail.

Oct. 1st, 2011


Summer's almost over

Who: Bunny and Otter
Where: Snow White Sweets
When: Afternoon

Otter hated the afternoon shift, which was pretty funny because excepting weekends it was pretty much the only time he got to work. And it was definitely the only time that he got to work without one of his older siblings hanging around in back doing whatever it was that they did. Baked, decorated, he didn't really pay attention because he wasn't into that yet. Mostly he just stocked the shelves, ran the register, cleaned up and made sure that no one ran off with a pocketful of candy that they hadn't paid for. Oh, right, and he also made sure to keep his familiar out of sight whenever she decided to tag along like she had that day since it wasn't exactly health-code friendly to have an animal in a place where you made things. Which Otter understood, really he did, but it wasn't like Sitala was in back where everything was made. She just hung out under the register and gnawed on a treat or a stick while Otter worked. She took her whole 'protect my elemental' thing pretty serious and Otter hadn't been able to get far away from her for longer than thirty minutes since she'd shown up.

'What about when school starts?'

"I guess you can sit in the window or the tree outside," Otter offered as he flipped through the magazine he'd grabbed from his brother's room. Something about sports. Better than the other option. With Oz it was either sports or the sort of magazine he didn't want his parents seeing him with. Oh, or the environmental ones. That would've been better than this thing on football, but whatever. "You're definitely not going in my backpack."

'Why not?'

"Totally wouldn't fit."


Life's a gamble -- and then you die

Who: Antonin, Madeleine and Zaviar
Where: Zaviar's house
When: Morning

The most interesting thing about working the graveyard shift was that when the rest of the world was just getting up and getting ready, Antonin was heading home and ready for sleep. Or he'd have been ready for sleep if he kept any sort of a version of normal hours. But Antonin didn't and he wasn't big on sleeping. Sleep was boring and dreams were useless. Wasn't like he was going to burn himself out any faster just because he didn't get his eight hours every day. Had he ever slept eight hours in a day? Yes, back in college, but he'd been doing that just so that he had a reason to skip out on half of his classes. Nowadays he didn't need to come up with reasons to skip out on things so he could just laze around the house doing nothing when his presence wasn't required. His thoughts were solidifying that that was indeed what he was going to do when he pulled up into the driveway and saw an extra car. Zaviar wasn't the sort to have visitors, especially not this early, so even if he hadn't already known whose car that was he'd have been able to figure it out. Looked like his favorite cousin had slept over again.

Not that he blamed her. If he'd had someone like Lila waiting at home then he wouldn't want to go there ever again either. "Hey Knight," the greeting was tossed at the familiar who was stretched out in front of the window, soaking up the morning sun. As always he filled the food bowl before going to riffle through the fridge and see if there was anything interesting to eat. A ton of eggs. Had his roommate been anyone else then he'd have blamed that on the whole idea of weird cravings that women supposedly got. But since his roommate was a were-snake it was always like that and he didn't want to know how many of them there would be if Madeleine started craving as well. There's nothing normal about this. Grabbing the container of orange juice he debated getting a glass before he shrugged, popped the top and took a swig straight from it. All he needed to be more comfortable was to not still be in his work clothes.

Sep. 29th, 2011



DATE: Saturday, August 22, 2009.


WEATHER: It’s a little cloudier than yesterday, but otherwise still hot and humid!

EVENTS: All local news media is still dominated with the subject of a vampire attending SOHS this year. And it’s not just local anymore. News crews are coming in from all parts of the state, and the issue gets a mention on CNN in the afternoon. Turns out that this (as of yet) still anonymous vampire isn’t the first to try enrolling in public school in America. CNN reports vampires turned in their youth have attempted enrolling in schools in New York City, Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Anchorage, and Montgomery, Alabama. Apparently it did not go well for the Alabama student, who has already withdrawn and gone into hiding due to harassment. Scarlet Oak’s student vampire’s identity is still a secret, but for how long?

In the meantime, the hot debate of whether or not any of this is acceptable still goes on. It’s announced to be a topic of conversation on a CNN special tomorrow night, and is expected to cover the issue of whether or not teenagers turned many years ago should be allowed to pick up with their education, among other safety issues.

Also, SOHS’ hockey try-outs start today. School starts Monday, so all you kids better have some fun while you can.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!