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Nov. 17th, 2010


The sun is up, the sky is blue - it's beautiful and so are you

Who: Bunny and Locke
Where: Bunny’s house
When: Evening

Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play? )

Nov. 16th, 2010


Ripped from the headlines!

Who: Erika and Jezebelle
Where: their respective shops
When: a little after 3pm

Law & Order: Floral Investigative Unit - Episode Two )

Dec. 3rd, 2010


Who is it that wears a mask?

Who: Nic and Bianca
Where: A pizza parlor & the movie theater
When: 7pm and onwards

When Nic pulled up to The Court he was still as confused as he'd been when he last saw Bianca. She'd gone from hating him to dating him in such a short time span that he couldn't really believe it. He wanted to, though, which was why he was giving this a try. If she'd really had a change of heart, then he had no good reason to turn her down, and she'd seemed sincere enough over breakfast the other day. In an attempt to put all their arguing behind him, Nic had done everything he could to convince himself tonight would be a step in the right direction. Anything was better than the bickering that had taken place during their last encounters, so this should be a piece of cake.

As he put the car into park, he realized he didn't know her apartment number and would have to find other means of letting her know he'd arrived. Texting would have to do. Hitting send, all he had to do was wait.

Read more... )

Nov. 16th, 2010


The one that got away

Who: Julian, the twins (NPC) and Marisa
Where: Supermarket
When: Early evening

Saw you downtown singing the blues. )


Can't take the kid from the fight

Who: Evan and Erika Forsythe
Where: The Forsythe family home
When: Afternoon

Take the fight from the kid. )


If I could just hear your pretty voice, I don't think I need to see at all

Who: Hannah, Jameson, and Jasper
Where: Ozzy's
When: Evening

And every breath that is in your lungs is a tiny little gift to me. )


I like the universe, but she messes with my words

Who: Holly Tremblay and Zeke McMahon
When: Early evening
Where: Holly's house

I'm not talking planets or galaxies and the distance just makes it worse. )

Nov. 15th, 2010


Thought you saw me wink, no

Who: Isaiah and Winifred
When: Afternoon, after 2 p.m.
Where: Winifred's apartment at the Court
What: Cooking lessons!

I've been on the brink, so tell me what you want to hear )


Can You Help Me, Miss?

Who: Erika and Amelia
Where: Sidewalk around Scarlet Oak
When: Early Afternoon

Yes, Detective? )


They all wear the same face and it says, "Hangman, I'm onto you."

Who: Zeke McMahon and Holly's boyfriend Jamie (OH SNAP)
Where: The Scarlet Oak Sun, via phonelines
When: Afternoon

Hangman, it's not your fault; commit this to memory. )

Nov. 14th, 2010


I just got lost

Who: Gwyneth and Alessandro
Where: the Hathaway home
When: not long after this

Every river that I tried to cross )


You might be a big fish

Who: Gwyneth and her new familiar, Ginevra
Where: the Hathaway home
When: afternoon

In a little pond )


But don't you bring me no bad news

Who: Scarlett, UofM Hospital Staff (NPC)
Where: Scarlett's loft in LA > on a plane
When: Early morning

If you're gonna bring me something, bring me something I can use )

Nov. 13th, 2010


So divine, hell of an elevator

Who: Luke Blackfeather and OPEN
Where: Bubba's Sulky Lounge
When: Evening

All the while my fortune faded. )


Listen - I call the shots

Who: Whisper + ...all the vampires who want to show up
Where: Charlton residence (second floor)
When: Evening

So put it on and keep your mouth shut, thanks. )


Trust I seek and I find in you

Who: Danielle Klug and open
Where: Staring at Budget Lodge, then Sunny's Diner
When: mid-afternoon

Everyday for us something new )


Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back

Who: Bianca
Where: The Court
When: Early afternoon

We keep ourselves a mystery but we provide the clues. )



Placeholder for Mikhail meeting his familiar, Rasputin~

Nov. 12th, 2010


I wonder, do you still think of me?

Who: Leon and Viuly
Where: Cafe
When: Noon

I carry your image, always in my head. )


That's no way to live

Who: Gretel, Rosalie (... and Briallen?)
Where: The Sforza art gallery
When: Evening

All tangled up like balls of string. )

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