Ship's Log | To Boldly Go Network Community

To Boldly Go

A Panfandom RPG

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and life civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before.

February 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'marian+hawke+%7C+dragon+age'

Aug. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

It's been suggested that I greet the other travelers through this device.

Hello. I'm Melinda May.

[Traveler Liaisons/Starfleet Senior Officers]

Is it possible to train in multiple disciplines? Or to shadow crew members in multiple areas before requesting an assignment?

Aug. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

As prisons go, your Brig is infinitely superior to Circle Towers or any of the other dungeons I've been on friendly visits to. Still, I think I'll just avoid having to spend any more time there. Not exactly an ideal party spot.

Private to Rose Hathaway
Sorry I missed your original message until just now - but yes, Peggy did want us to work together on a sort of training regime for the people on board who are used to these kinds of things. I imagine you must be going completely stir crazy, considering your former profession!

And I think after my own personal experiences this week we can start by getting together and setting up ground rules. Specifically we should probably have a rule that our trainees don't try to harm each other. I can also show you the training program Jadzia set up!

After the shore leave, of course!

Jul. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey Mr. Lucifer, sir? Does your fancy lounge have a ladies night? Because it should. Or karaoke nights. But no poetry nights because... Actually, screw it, where's poetry night??

Needless to say, the little holiday is wearing on me. It's strange being surrounded by things I sort of know but don't know well enough to feel useful.

Jul. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Have you ever just looked at your entire life and wondered "Were any of them ever really right for me or was I just incredibly needy and desperate."?

Just late night shift thoughts.

Private to Peggy
I was reviewing some things and I remember that we'd been bouncing around the idea of some sort of schedule for those travelers that were used to routine battle training or training for the use of their powers, etc.

A while back I had Jadzia work on a room that allows the use of powers without the ship setting off alarms, but also dampens harm against the ship's parts and keeps things contained. I think we could host some sort of magic session there, at least. Thoughts? I'd be happy to take on some of that part of it.

Jul. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Well, hello there. My name's Harry Potter.

Is there someone I might be able to speak with about the security team on this ship?

Jul. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Maker, that's quite a bit of upheaval, isn't it?

But you've sent me Varric, so I suppose I can't be too upset at all the work that just piled up on our collective desks.



[No Subject]

Well, I've been here a week now, so I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Reyna, daughter of the Roman goddess of war Bellona, and I'm starting to get used to alternate dimensions. I'll be training in tactical because I have an ability to be an expert in any type of weapon.

Is there any sort of organized training or sparring here?

Space again, eh? .

Jul. 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

It's always a little upsetting to watch as the people you helped settle in on the ship just... magically disappear.

But I suppose that's just our lives now. In again, out again, back again. All of this looking back and forth's going to put the largest crick in my neck. You do you have to wonder about the ones that end up in some sort of constant flux. Who's controlling this phenomenon anyway? And why can't it make up its bloody mind?

Jun. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

So I was forced to read Paradise Lost in high school.

I might have paid more attention if I'd known the main character was going to be one of my best friends.

Jun. 26th, 2017



DM to Lucifer

It looks like yesterday must have been quite the eventful day for you. Just checking in to make sure you're alright.

I'm well aware you've felt the need to stretch your wings a little and we've been avoiding the subject, but I do still care about you.

Jun. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

This is a hallucination. Or some kind of simulation, right? Holographic projection? Because this cannot be happening to me again.

Please someone tell me they've seen two women, one kinda serious and one super agro? They go by Hel and Sarge. Tell me I'm not alone.

Jun. 10th, 2017



Message to Jadzia

So, how's that training room coming along? The one where I can unleash a storm of flame without the ship going crazy on me?

I think I'd like to stretch my wings a little, if you get my meaning.

Jun. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

[The initial portion of this post, done by speech-to-text, is a phonetic transcription of Pictish essentially translatable to '--test this magic'. The rest is translated to English/Standard from Latin.]

Ah yes, it works. I suppose it may be truthful that you are not Romans. And perhaps truthful that we are not prisoners. Romans would not give such strange slabs to prisoners or slaves, I do not think. Truthfully, everything is strange. I am overwhelmed.



[No Subject]

The liason officer was very friendly and explained everything to me. But is it true there is no way back that can be controlled? This world is very different from my own.

It is more like the one I dreamed of when I was a child, than the one I found when I left home.



DM to Lucifer

Are you alright? Did something happen?

I think that's the first time I've woken up to find you not there--

you're not normally NOT here--

The bed got awfully cold without you, do you know you're like a furnace?

I'm worried, you see, since you rarely make yourself scarce in the morning. It's not like you.

May. 29th, 2017




Attention everybody!

It's time for a public service announcement, especially if you're one of the overly cheerful, completely naive members of the public who happen to be traveling from place to place on a giant spaceship with me.

We are on earth, birthplace of humanity, and humans can be quite terrible to each other. I'm hoping by now they've all stopped blaming me for every terrible thing that happens and have learned some sense of self-responsibility but regardless! Don't trust everyone you meet and don't wander off alone by yourselves if you have no bloody idea of what the world is actually like.

You're welcome.

May. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

Let's say you were getting a tattoo. What would you get and where would you put it?

Although, in the name of full disclosure, I know what I'm getting. I just don't know where it's going. But I find it fascinating as to what other people would choose or have chosen already.

May. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

I have taken the time to go back over what happened during the spell - that happened at the same time as the recent incident on board this vessel. I can safely say that my actions had nothing to do with the incident, and that it was simply very strange timing. Nothing about the spell is out of place, nor should any of the stages of it have caused the formation of solid matter or attraction of objects towards us.

It was merely a matter of inconvenient timing.

That being said, I am going to be testing the results of that spell. This will involve a brief use of very intense magic. I thought I should present a warning, as when I did not, it caused some concern.

I will explain the nature of the spell that was put in place at a later time, once I am certain that it was effective. I simply wished to provide reassurance, presently.


Are you available to release me from the enclosure after approximately thirty minutes have passed?

I need to ensure that it works.

May. 19th, 2017




I hope we get to visit Los Angeles during our shore leave.

In the meantime, I have a fun game for everyone to play. You just need to figure out how, if you were immortal, you would deal with the crippling misery of constantly watching everyone you care about or will ever care about die without going bloody mental. Easy, right?

Ready, set, go!

May. 10th, 2017




Well that was certainly fun.

To celebrate our release from captivity, order the Red Alert at the lounge. I'm not sure what's in it, exactly, but it is very red.

And I'd planned on announcing this earlier but there was no point. However! Starting tomorrow, the Deck 5 Lounge will be opening at five every evening, rather than seven.

Seems you can make that happen when you're actually the manager.