Ship's Log | To Boldly Go Network Community

To Boldly Go

A Panfandom RPG

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and life civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before.

February 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'ginny+weasley+%7C+harry+potter'

Feb. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

So a lot of people are talking about staying if they can but what about if we want to leave. I mean, there's a lot of questions I have about that too. Like will we remember being here? Or will we go back to right where we came from? Or can we pick when we go to? Or what about if I'm from one time and Ginny's from a different one, are we both going to remember and then how does that work?

Jan. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

I don't know why I've been having such intense dreams the past few nights nightmares, really but I'd like them to go away.

Dec. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

For New Year, I will be hosting a celebrating in the holodeck with lots of alcohol and fireworks for those who wish to attend.

Dec. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

I readily admit that they won't compare to what my brothers would create if they were here, but even so......

Would anyone be interested in a firework show in the garden as an end of year celebration of sorts? They won't hurt anything, but they will be a bit loud.

Dec. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

The benefit of being a witch: sun protection with a mere wave of my wand.

Problems with being ginger: I'm nothing but freckles topped off with red hair.

I also might have spooked one of the natives. I took my broom out to fly and the poor bloke just happened along as I used the disillusionment charm on myself. I can imagine what it might be like to think a girl just appeared out of nowhere, but he ran off before I could do anything about it. As no one has tried to arrest me or burn me, I'm guessing he's choosing to believe he imagined it.

Dec. 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

I can't help but think how much my mate Neville would love these subterranean gardens. I mean, I thought they were really cool and I never really even like herbology that much.


Hey so do you want to get dinner or something while we're here on Risa? With me, I mean?

Nov. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

Has anyone gotten a gift from the nebula?


I got my proper wand back! It came through the nebula! And Crookshanks! I haven't seen him in so long! I thought he was lost to the castle!

Who wants to help me destroy Bellatrix's wand? I never thought to ask for a new one, I thought it'd be too much of a bother.

Oct. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

It's 2264? I'm so behind!

Oct. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

Speak now or forever hold your peace: anyone deathly afraid of bats or jack-o-lanterns?

[Private to Harry, Alicia, Katie, and Peter]
Harry and I -- okay, mostly me -- decided we should decorate the Traveler's Corridor to look like the Great Hall on Halloween. If you want to help, meet us tonight at 21:00?

Sep. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

I promised Katie and Alicia that I'd ask again, so here it is: anyone on the ship interested in learning to play quidditch? It's the popular sport in my world and we've got the necessary equipment to play and several people that can teach anyone who wants to learn. The conditions are that you can't be afraid of heights, you have to have reasonably good balance to stay on your broom, and understand that you might get hurt while playing. It's bloody good fun but it's also dangerous, and I don't want anyone to decide to do this without being very clear about the risks.

Of course, we have a good Medical team that can patch you up if you do get hurt.

I suppose we can do a demonstration of sorts if anyone wanted to see what it's like. It won't be a proper game, we would need seven per side for that, but you could get a general idea.

Sep. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

I have to tell you, as interesting as it is working in Medical, the hardest part is not pulling my wand to fix it with a spell and instead using all these contraptions around the Bay for healing.

Sep. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone! For those I haven't met yet, I'm Katie Bell. If you've looked at Dr. McCoy's announcement, you know I've just been appointed the lead morale officer, which means it's my job to help keep you lot entertained.

I thought I'd start with a poll of sorts. What kinds of things would you like to see on the ship in terms of entertainment? What sorts of things did you do at home for fun? I and the rest of my team want to make sure everyone has plenty to do, so if you have any requests, now if the time!

Morale Team (Rogue & Castle)
Cheers, you two. Let's grab a drink in the lounge later and talk about our own ideas and what we want to do for our first event/project

Alicia Spinnet
You should put in an application, you know. No one plans a better party than us two.

Hilary Sulu
Hey, you.

Ginny Weasley
What more do you need to make quidditch happen. I know you've been working on it. What can I do to help?

And semi-related, say I wanted to take a bloke flying... how would I make that happen?

Posted via Journaler.

Aug. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

I kept putting it off and putting it off, but I finally decided that there wasn't much of a point. We aren't going to have professional quidditch here, so I might as well do what I was going to do before that became a possibility at home.

This isn't exactly Healing as we know it in the wizarding world, but maybe I'll catch on quick to how they do things in the Med Bay.

Aug. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

If anyone sees my Ginny Weasley today, make sure you wish her a happy birthday.


I picked up something for you on the planet. Oh, and I might have signed you up for pod racing on Sunday, too.

Jul. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

This was definitely not how I had planned on spending my birthday.

If Hannah is here, is it safe to assume there's others that I know?

And for those I don't, my name is Neville. And uh... I think I'm going to miss the outdoors quite a lot.

[No Subject]


This is brilliant, right? I mean I'm in space! My name is Tonks and I'm told there might be people here who know me, so I'm going to need them to check in.

Jul. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm feeling cautiously optimistic since James didn't disappear and Lily showed up, and it seems there's a lot more people who know the world I'm from on board now. Do any of you know me? I'm sorry if I'm meant to know who you are but don't.

And if I'm counting right, it's five months since I arrived here? Has it really been that long?


We should probably talk again soon.

Jul. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Well, this is not where I expected to wake up this morning. Apparently, you can leave and come back.

Some of you may remember me when I was still dark haired—feels like it's been lifetime since I was her. So much has changed.

I'm actually, genuinely, glad to be here. I need some time away from my friends and my work to figure out who I am now. What better place for that than a starship full of dozens of other people just as out of place as I am?

If you remember me from before, I prefer the name Frost for now, though I won't flip out if you call me Caitlin.

[ Lucifer ]



[No Subject]

I can honestly say that this is not what I expected when I woke up this morning.

Hello all. I'm Hannah.



[No Subject]

I'm still struggling to believe this is all real for the pure fact that I'm in space.

Anyways, I'm Lily, Lily Potter. I've been told I'm not the only one from home here.