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Apr. 3rd, 2011



[Phone call to Gideon's cell phone after this]

Ring, Ring

Mar. 31st, 2011


[Posted at around 10:30 pm on Thursday]


i hav a qweshtun for you


Mar. 30th, 2011


[Private to Gid after she gets his feelings]

Thanks Daddy

Mar. 17th, 2011


(During the blackout)
[Call to Max]

Ring, Ring.

[Call to Katya]
Ring, ring.

[Private to Quinn]


Mar. 11th, 2011



[Thomas is so distracted and distant that he sounds like somebody reading a fortune cookie from the bottom of a well.] The commlinks are insecure. Use caution in public address and choose your allies carefully.

Mar. 9th, 2011


[Locked to K Vrenko]

Dude.  Are you trying to provoke this guy or are you just an idiot? 

And, while we're on the subject of idiocy.  Why the hell don't you wear a mask like the rest of those clowns?

Mar. 8th, 2011


Should I even bother to play it coy, Starfire? Or should I get right to it?

Mar. 7th, 2011


r. darman

[Text to Roger the day after this.]

I got a new job!

Mar. 5th, 2011



I seem to be finding myself a little short staffed. Anyone looking for a job and think they can handle an unruly customer now and again, just let me know. We provide quite a nice benefits package.

[a note from the mun- soon as he says you should fill out the app and set up an interview, shift any related comments here for the open interviews and he'll talk to you there.]

Feb. 28th, 2011


[public], r. darman

[Posted the morning after this]


Does anyone know the best treatment for a sprained or sore wrist?

[Private to R. Darman]

Your Oracle says I am not to hit you with my powers. I am not sure how we should proceede with training. However, I have been practicing at a paint ball field after hours with Gideon. Would you wish for me to wait for you to accompany me in patrolling my neighborhood or am I allowed to do this on my own?

Feb. 24th, 2011


[open comm]

Hello! I am looking for someone named Oracle? 

Feb. 22nd, 2011



Inappropriately, there was a box of kittens in front of my gallery this morning. I don't suppose anyone is looking to adopt?

Feb. 8th, 2011


r. darman, public

[Private to R. Darman]

I know I said I would come by on Friday, but my manager has assigned me to the night shift and I will not be able to leave work until 1am.


Does anyone know of a good place for practicing my powers some sort of target practice?  Also, please come eat at [diner name, very Hooters-esque but maybe with a slightly better reputation?]! It is a very nice restaurant near the Bathos. 

Feb. 2nd, 2011


Attn: Residents of Bathos

[Between 8:30pm and 10pm, there are knocks on every door.]

If the door is unanswered, there will be a purple napkin with a Vatrushki sitting on it.  There will be enough for however many residents are listed on the directory.

If the door is answered, Katya will be standing there in jeans, a purple tshirt, sneakers, and a basket full of Vatrushki and purple napkins.

[OOC: If you'd like to log having your door answered, or finding the
Vatrushki, just add it in the comments below!]

Feb. 1st, 2011


[public from k. vrenko]

Hello friends! 

I have just moved in to this apartments and would like to share with you a customary welcome treat!  Would anyone like to have some Vatrushki?  It is quite delicious, I assure you.

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