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Sep. 13th, 2010


On a napkin, besides the collected remains of Centro's delivery from Aubade 504 )

Sep. 9th, 2010


I may have dropped a pen. Perhaps. In Verimisilitude yesterday, if I had dropped it. But it's entirely possible it's been lost a different way -- I know I had it yesterday and I'd really rather I had it today. It's not an especially important one, nor expensive but it writes rather well.

If anyone has been there and seen it -- just a little red fountain pen, with a scratch on the nib -- could they possibly let me know?


That's all.

Sep. 1st, 2010


Weapon of choice, forum: words or actions?

Aug. 31st, 2010


Today is TMI Tuesday:

There is mold in the corner of my apartment. It is shaped like Jesus, so I have named it George. I wonder if I can get black lung from this.

Aug. 30th, 2010


Posted by I. Lyons

I'm afraid I'm completely out of my element with these forums. Computers never really made sense to me. You can't get a good feel for people through text and symbols, can you? At least, I can't. Too much happens when you're having a conversation face to face. Can you imagine switching languages? It's all about inflection and tone - and is why you should never learn in a correspondence course. You can't get the that off of these emails or posts or - whatever it is you call them.

That said, my name is Isolde. I've just arrived and any pointers would be useful. Preferably over lunch. Or dinner. Perhaps tea. Brunch? I've realized over the years that the joy of being somewhere new is that your schedule is often free as you have no obligations to fill or people to reconnect with.



Why do we feel the need to be responsible for everyone's well being all at once? We have vigilantes killing people for what they think is the common good, and we have people opening Academies for the training of Creations youth, and we have people trying to be heroes and de facto kings. What is the point? What do they want to achieve, in fighting tirelessly to save a world that does not care to be saved?

Philosophical questions out of the way, since the internet can't seem to help me and no one else I've asked has been qualified to do much more than operate simple machinery and be paid minimum wage for the rest of their lives, can anyone tell me where I can find a decent rare book store in the area?

Aug. 29th, 2010


Now Hiring

[Posted publicly.]

Creations Only.

Available positions for persons with experience or expertise in the following individual fields:

1) Financial Management
2) Human Law
3) Youth Education
4) Creation Ability Training and/or Understanding
5) Security
6) Construction and Repair
7) Hospitality

Please comment for an introductory interview with your experience, and send your resume to "".


Goodness, so many advertisements and things to buy and see and to do! We are springing up everywhere and doubtless there are more of us than care to use the forums and live in the same buildings or drink coffee at Verimisiltude. I have nothing to sell, nothing exciting to give for perusal, I'm afraid -- I could offer a nice line in spider-plants? Mine seem quite set on breeding and I think the dirty coffee cups are some sort of hybrid thereof. Or perhaps there's something I don't consider valuable that someone else might! There are books, of course -- but I don't really have much to do with the selling. Once I send them off, they're quite gone and it's very odd to me to see them back again in different clothes.

But the point was not to sell but to ask -- what do you all dream of? I feel as though I I'm exploring a new idea and there's always the possibility I haven't thought the way another might think and I've lost something in the doing.

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