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Feb. 1st, 2011


Email sent to B. Sablier

[Sent from her work email to his, because two professionals have nothing better to do than email each other all day]


Your daughter tried to subsidize my date recently. Apparently she was appalled at my starting bid of ten dollars.

In other news, my daughter has demanded a speaking role in said date.



locked to b. sablier

Uh, Mr. Sablier, sir? I'm Jackson Bly, and your daughter won me in the auction thing. I thought I should, you know, send you a message on the forum or something before the whole dinner thing tonight. I'm 19 and an engineering major at U-Dub. I like building things and dogs. I grew up on the East Coast and I'm an only child. I had an internship with Anton Sparke for a while.

Um, let me know if you need anything else from me?

Jan. 31st, 2011


B Sablier

I do believe we have a date, sir.


[Locked to J. Bly and M. Kennedy]

Hello there! My name is Evangeline, I'm super excited for our date.

J. Bly-Told you were totally worth it.

M. Kennedy-I won you in a swap! How fun is that?

Sooo my Papa is going to want to meet you...Is that okay?

[Locked to S. Djaevelen]

I WON TWO. WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH TWO? What if I win one of them a prize and lose the other one??? Did someone nice win a date with you?

[Locked to B. Sablier]

I won two, Papa. And paid for lots more. Did someone awesome win a date with you?

[Locked to E. Pride]

You didn't auction yourself off, Eli. ;)

Jan. 28th, 2011


Hi friends!

Apparently I can't bid on a bunch of people at once...I think that's hooey. But COME ON...There are LOTS of people who haven't been bid on. If you're short on cash I'll finance you. It's for a good cause. And while I don't necessarily approve of buying PEOPLE, Papa assures me it's buying DATES. Which is apparently different. AND ITS FOR CHARITY. I have money. GO BID.

Jan. 18th, 2011


Hypothetically speaking, does anyone know how to get tomato soup off of the ceiling? What about eggs?

Also, hypothetically speaking, is there a way to get a curious smell out of a house in exactly 4 hours and 12 minutes?

One last hypothetical question, say there was a minor explosion on a stove and the Mr. Clean magic eraser wasn't working to get the marks off the wall...Would you hang a picture or paint over it?

Jan. 14th, 2011


[Text to B. Sablier]

Papa. Did you write Sol back? I'm inviting him to come to my mixer with me. Should I write Luc a note asking if it's okay if I court Sol? <3 xoxoxoxo


[After having a bomb dropped on her, Hayley quickly finds a piece of computer paper and a pen and scrawls a note to Benedict. The note is left taped to his bedroom door, folded in half with the name "Mr. Sablier" written on it.]

Mr. Sablier,

I hate to be a bother, but I was talking to Evie today and she said something about making my staying here permanent. I didn't think she'd talked to you about this, and I hate to be a burden. I know your daughter's real headstrong, but I figured you and I should talk about how to turn her mind a bit instead of trying to change it outright.

Thank You,

Jan. 12th, 2011


[locked to l. yasir]
Don't kill me. I kissed Evie yesterday when we were spackling the wall. I'm [...] asking her father for permission to court her. Date her. Call on her. Whatever it is young people do these days when they're interested in each other.

[The handwritten letter is delivered to Benedict by the footman personally, shortly after noon. The letter is written on crisp white paper in an elegant calligraphy that speaks of old-world penmanship.]

Mr. B. Sablier,

I would like to seek your permission to begin courting your daughter, Evangeline. If you wish to arrange for an interview, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

S. Djaevelen

Jan. 11th, 2011


[Public Post]

I hope everyone is doing relatively as well as can be expected. I'm pretty spry, so if anyone needs help fixing things let me know. Have tools will help. ;-)

[Filtered to S. Djaevelen]

What state is your apartment in, is it livable? Can I come over maybe? I want to see where you live. Or if it's not a good place to stay right now you and Cora can still stay here with me us.

[Filtered to L. Yasir]

Still job hunting? Keep in mind the last time you threatened to leave me for a real job notzombies attacked.

[Text to Benedict Sablier]

Papa. Something horrible has happened.

[Email to E. Pride]

Mr. Pride,

Your teacup has survived the notzombie notpocalypse, have you? If so I'd still like to drop it off to you, because while it survived the notzombies, I can surely guarantee that it will not survive long in my care. I can hear it calling "save me!" from the high up cupboard where I can't reach it. My Papa is smart to keep things out of my reach.


Evangeline Sablier

[Text to H. Radcliffe]

Do you want to sleep over?

Jan. 7th, 2011


I am the undisputed zombie apocalypse Yahtzee champion of the world.

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