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Feb. 2nd, 2011


Attn: Residents of Bathos

[Between 8:30pm and 10pm, there are knocks on every door.]

If the door is unanswered, there will be a purple napkin with a Vatrushki sitting on it.  There will be enough for however many residents are listed on the directory.

If the door is answered, Katya will be standing there in jeans, a purple tshirt, sneakers, and a basket full of Vatrushki and purple napkins.

[OOC: If you'd like to log having your door answered, or finding the
Vatrushki, just add it in the comments below!]

Feb. 1st, 2011


[public from k. vrenko]

Hello friends! 

I have just moved in to this apartments and would like to share with you a customary welcome treat!  Would anyone like to have some Vatrushki?  It is quite delicious, I assure you.


[public from c endore]

I think a lot of people come on here their first time and probably ask about the city or something, but I've been here a while so...hi. Not new to the city at all, so I don't really need recommendations for good burger places or things like that. Answer this question instead: if zombies aren't enough to make everybody flee the city in droves, what's it going to take? Are we a particularly stupid bunch, or just tenacious? I leave the judging to the people, I just think it's interesting.

Jan. 31st, 2011


lookin 4 bidder 27 if ur arownd

Jan. 28th, 2011


Hi friends!

Apparently I can't bid on a bunch of people at once...I think that's hooey. But COME ON...There are LOTS of people who haven't been bid on. If you're short on cash I'll finance you. It's for a good cause. And while I don't necessarily approve of buying PEOPLE, Papa assures me it's buying DATES. Which is apparently different. AND ITS FOR CHARITY. I have money. GO BID.

Jan. 27th, 2011



I'm gonna find whoever sign me up for this meat auction and kill them.

Jan. 26th, 2011


text to s. hawthorne

[Text message sent late Tuesday evening, during this exchange.]

sara this iz con this guy nam blytech hez a rowbot and hez guna kill wif lazer eys u haf 2 get out ov toun now

Jan. 25th, 2011


public from C. Callahan

if i hold my fums togevur they mak on big fum.

try it its sients.

Jan. 24th, 2011


text to s. hawthorne

sry abowt the wall ov bred it wuz an axeedent

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