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Mar. 5th, 2011


[Email to J. Bly]


Luke said you received message from M Bird.

Mar. 4th, 2011


individually locked

[locked to l. henry]
So I got the craziest shit in an email yesterday and now that I'm not, like, 99% sure I'm going to die in the immediate future, I wanted to let you know about it. It was from some M Bird at UDub's servers, and dude. The person was like "Stop being Ratchet." And there was some serious threatening undertones.

[locked to a. sparke]
Hacked your firewall. I'll email you the data print out results stuff in a minute, but, uh. What's the company policy on like. Harassment and stalking?

Mar. 3rd, 2011


(from a dummy account, no M. Bird on the current student registry)

I have to commend you. Unlike some of your counterparts, you’re at least smart enough not to use a codename that reflects on your real name. Who would ever suspect you of being Ratchet?

Feb. 27th, 2011


[Filtered to J. Bly]

Hello, Intern.


J Bly, L Henry, P Moira

[Luke, Bly, Poe]

[Monday morning, the University. The class is an early one - 8 am, in a crowded auditorium, and the teacher is wearing a very impressive, a-line skirt.]

[Note passed across to Luke, who is sitting on the other side of Bly:]

Do you think she'll do CPR if he holds his breath long enough to pass out?

Feb. 25th, 2011


[locked to l. henry]

Dude. Dude. Were you Batman the other night? Was that you?
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Feb. 22nd, 2011


Open Commlink

[This open comm goes out after Rorschach reads this public post.]

Open comm. Issue warning. Ozymandias in Seattle. No trust.


locked to b. thorne

Uh, hi. I don't know if you remember me, but, uh, at one point we were talking about girls or something, I think. So, um, I was wonder if you'd, you know, be willing to give me some lessons?

Feb. 15th, 2011



I know everyone's pissed, but I kind of liked the paper. The pictures were really cool, you know, and it's nice to see people enjoying themselves. I mean, someone had to put that whole thing together, you know? And almost everything was free, and everything you purchased, the money went to charity, so.

And really, who doesn't like reading about how Mr. Morgenstern and his girlfriend are getting on, you know? It's like a movie romance, but in real life. So, whoever put this thing together, I dunno. I liked it, at least.

Feb. 8th, 2011


encrypted email to rescue

Hey, this is the intern who borrowed the Iron Man suit and almost got shot out of the sky by the air force. I, uh, managed to make the Omnikey Doorbreaker v 2.0 for you over the weekend. So, you know, whenever you want to pick it up. Or I could drop it off at a lab or something.

- Bly

Feb. 6th, 2011


m. main, j. bly, m. jones, w. light

[Sometime after Quinnrescue.]

[Call to M. Main]


[Locked to W. Light]

You probably already know this, but Quinn's alive okay. We got to her in time. How are you doing?

[Locked (individually) to J. Bly and M. Jones]

Just letting you know that Quinn's been found, and she's [...] going to be fine. Thanks for helping look for her.

Feb. 2nd, 2011


Locked to J. Bly


Feb. 1st, 2011


locked to b. sablier

Uh, Mr. Sablier, sir? I'm Jackson Bly, and your daughter won me in the auction thing. I thought I should, you know, send you a message on the forum or something before the whole dinner thing tonight. I'm 19 and an engineering major at U-Dub. I like building things and dogs. I grew up on the East Coast and I'm an only child. I had an internship with Anton Sparke for a while.

Um, let me know if you need anything else from me?

Jan. 31st, 2011


phone call to j. bly

[Backdated to Sunday night]

[ring ring.]


[Locked to J. Bly and M. Kennedy]

Hello there! My name is Evangeline, I'm super excited for our date.

J. Bly-Told you were totally worth it.

M. Kennedy-I won you in a swap! How fun is that?

Sooo my Papa is going to want to meet you...Is that okay?

[Locked to S. Djaevelen]

I WON TWO. WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH TWO? What if I win one of them a prize and lose the other one??? Did someone nice win a date with you?

[Locked to B. Sablier]

I won two, Papa. And paid for lots more. Did someone awesome win a date with you?

[Locked to E. Pride]

You didn't auction yourself off, Eli. ;)

Jan. 28th, 2011


Hi friends!

Apparently I can't bid on a bunch of people at once...I think that's hooey. But COME ON...There are LOTS of people who haven't been bid on. If you're short on cash I'll finance you. It's for a good cause. And while I don't necessarily approve of buying PEOPLE, Papa assures me it's buying DATES. Which is apparently different. AND ITS FOR CHARITY. I have money. GO BID.

Jan. 23rd, 2011



warning: I'm cranky, I was working late, and I haven't had caffeine yet, but I've got something I have to say.

Why do so many people in here hide behind 'anon'? What's the point? I've never gotten how people can be so cowardly as to not be able to stand behind their words. If you can't put your name to something, just don't say it. Hell, it could be an alias, but all these anon posts are just annoying.


Jan. 20th, 2011


J Bly, M Jones, L Henry, D Amis, W Lowell

[Sent immediately after she sees this.]

[Locked to J Bly, M Jones, L Henry, D Amis, and e-mail to W Lowell, whose card she found in Aubade]
Oracle Gwen Quinn's roommate is throwing a surprise birthday party for her next Wednesday. Quinn thinks it'll only be Luke and Gwen and I, but we're really going to play paintball. It's a surprise, so don't say anything to her before. Just be at Bathos a little before noon.

Jan. 8th, 2011


[text shortly after this to D. Hockney]
Headed your way.

[open comm]
who's still out there?

Jan. 6th, 2011


[locked to J. Bly]

Jess Tailor is your roommate, right?

I'm giving her two bottles of prescription pills, one of which is expired. Can you make sure she doesn't overdose or something equally as bad?

Oh. This is Dot, btw. That scary girl from the lobby.
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