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Oct. 31st, 2010


Group Filter to J. Wilson & Z. Ramey

The crowd was beyond pathetic. Zin, I tried to find you but couldn't - Janet, I did see you. Did you make it through the party unscathed?

Dinner is next Saturday. I'll send a limo by Hamartia for Janet and your brother. Zin, I'll give you a lift. Don't argue. Don't protest. We need to take care of business with the least amount of bloodshed possible, correct?

Oct. 25th, 2010



Masks aren't for the party they're for the dead.

Oct. 23rd, 2010



Hey there, great big world! I just moved

Looking for a roommate. Preferably not crazy. I have a job, so I can pay rent and utilities juuust fine. I'd like to talk on the phone or meet in person before deciding anything, if that's cool!

I'm looking for a place in Bathos, I just moved to Seattle two weeks ago and I don't want to live by myself, I'm a people person!! Let's be AWESOME and have tons of fun together. ♥

Oct. 21st, 2010


[ Locked to Z. Ramey ]

So is it just me or does Gabe suck more now? He put me in a dead people bag.

[ Locked to J. Whitmire ]

I'm sorry if I kind of Thanks for

[nothing sent]

[ Locked to W. Light ]

You going to the Centro party?


So chickadees, a community drowning in masks is going to go to a masked ball. Bad taste or just making you all feel nice and comfortable? We've got syringes littering the hallway of not just the low-income housing but the topic on my mind is house-guests. How to keep them from poking their noses where they're not wanted: advice invited from the floor!

Oct. 15th, 2010


Posted by J. King

If we're to be masquerading as an event, I have to wonder how different this is from normal. Aren't we always wearing masks? Whenever someone asks 'how are you?' we put on a mask, a pleasant smile, and say we're fine. A mask, right there.

Of course for some of you, the vigilantes, villains, and knaves, the mask is even more metaphorically appropriate. Which one will you be donning? The one you normally wear as you ransack the city or the face you present to the public? Is there a third mask we should be aware of?

As for me; if I told you what I'll be doing I'd reveal more about myself then the mask will allow. This is the internet after all. For all I know, you're serial killers. I'd rather not make myself a target more then I already have.

[Locked to Z. Ramey & J. Wilson]

Sometimes the anonymous doesn't work. No, I'm not planning anything for this masque but regardless, tell me what you're going as so I make sure you're out of the way.

Oct. 13th, 2010


[Posted to the forums tonight, a day after this.]

This is somewhat unprecedented, so brace yourselves: this has absolutely nothing to do with my restaurant.

Alright, that's a downright lie. I always have something to say about Centro, and tonight is no exception. However, Centro's news desires a certain element of class that is simply not awarded to an online forum -- so I say, be sure to check your mailboxes frequently within the next couple of days and expect an announcement of significant importance that is guaranteed to remedy the dreadful languor of your daily lives.

Like I said, the top statement was a lie. It got your attention though, if you're at least this far.
I'm of the opinion that you should be awarded for your efforts, so here it is.

What's this? Cats on the internet? Unheard of! )

Obviously, no sociopaths and/or clowns need inquire.
Your kitten priveleges have been revoked.

[Yes, fine, I wrote a whole narrative just so that I could show off the new kittens we have at work. Pay no mind! I insist that Brigs would be a champion of helpless kittens everywhere, so this isn't crack. Feel free to adopt your kids a kitten or two.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.]

Oct. 7th, 2010


Text to Janet

[4:17 PM. Day of bank robbery.]

have you spoken to Jim recently?

Oct. 5th, 2010


Left outside the door of Hamartia 203 )


Phone Call to Janet

[4:09 PM. Day of Bank Robbery]


Sep. 24th, 2010


private to Z. Ramey

[This message is sent the evening she receives this]


I loved the postcard and could seriously squish it right now. But if I did it would wrinkle, and I couldn't do that. So it's got a special place on my wall for now. God, you're just so clever, I don't even know how you come up with this stuff.

But anyway.

We need to do cookies ASAP. I have some awesome news to tell you and if we do cookies this week, I'll tell you in person~

- LW

Sep. 22nd, 2010


[Snail-Mailed to J. Wilson]

A homemade postcard, created on an 4x6 index card. )

Sep. 17th, 2010


private to B. Mercer

Mr. Mercer,

My name is Janet Wilson and I'm a waitress with over six years of experience. I came to Seattle almost two months ago from Chicago and have been working as a waitress at a Hooters ever since. I've been to your restaurant a few times and recall your forum post saying that you were always hiring. I was wondering if you were currently looking to add any new members to your waitstaff. If so, I would like to know if I could pick up an application.

Thank you very much,

Janet Wilson


Things sent

[After the ball]

[E-mail to Robin, via Gmail account littlebird]
Someone was looking for you at the dance. Dark hair, pale, seemed to have some trouble communicating. Pretty girl. Figured you should know.

[Private to E Kelly]
You ran off my client, Eve.

[Private to J Wilson]
Did you dance all night?

[Delivered to C Moran]
A book

[Left on the doorknob of H Savoie's apt with her forum ID (W Light) written on a ribbon]

Sep. 5th, 2010


phone call to JP

[ This is backdated to last Wednesday morning, around 8 o'clock ]

[ Ring ring ]

Aug. 28th, 2010


[ Private to both J. Poole and J. Whitmore ]

Peej and Jimmy~

I don't have to work tonight. At all. And it's a Saturday. Do either of you have plans? Because if you do, they've just expanded to include me because there's no way I'm staying home like a house hermit tonight.

[ Private to Z. Ramey ]

My friends suck, Zinny. One of them is being quiet and the other is going to get himself set on fire.

Next 20