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Sep. 15th, 2010


Text: E Gracewater

Sent at: 22:45
Message content: energy okay? figure you at the ball. dont run too low.

Sep. 13th, 2010



anyone missing a fish? small, brightly colored, soft instead of scaly. cute kid's toy, i guess, but not something a guy like me has any use for.

Sep. 6th, 2010


All moved in and in advance of meeting all and any of you who decide to get your fool selves in need of the tender care of Northwest's ER staff, including yours truly -- I'm Toby. A few basic self-care tips:

1) If you are going to run around in the middle of the night dressed up like idiots -- don't. Hang up the suit, save it for October, go back to doing homework and raising your GPA.

2) Bullet wounds get infected. Seattle PD come equipped with guns as standard. Do the damn math.

3) Stitching yourself up with your mama's sewing kit and an unsterilized needle is the fastest way to getting seriously sick. And if you say the words 'cool' and 'scar' in the same sentence, you're going to get put to the bottom of the triage list.

4) Most vigilante gigs come without health insurance.

Learn them, live them, love them. I don't want to see any of you in my goddamn ER.

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