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Mar. 6th, 2011


A Sparke

[A.D. -- After Deadpool, which is not yet posted. Posted from his car.]

[Locked to A Sparke]

I understand you're bloody Batman, but I would prefer if you not involve your assistant in your activities.


[Locked messages.]

[Backdated to early Saturday morning, about 1 am.]

[S. Preston]

I lost my phone yesterday. Sorry.

[A. Sparke]

I lost my phone. I'll have a new one by Monday.

Mar. 4th, 2011


individually locked

[locked to l. henry]
So I got the craziest shit in an email yesterday and now that I'm not, like, 99% sure I'm going to die in the immediate future, I wanted to let you know about it. It was from some M Bird at UDub's servers, and dude. The person was like "Stop being Ratchet." And there was some serious threatening undertones.

[locked to a. sparke]
Hacked your firewall. I'll email you the data print out results stuff in a minute, but, uh. What's the company policy on like. Harassment and stalking?

Mar. 2nd, 2011


[Email to P. Rawlings]


Orin Monarch came by here the other day, as you know, and put Reina in a strop. Because I'm an amazing employer I gave him a stern talking to. He didn't appreciate that, which just says to me the NEXT time he comes in it needs to be scheduled by you, and at a time when Reina is at lunch before he really pisses her off. Did you know that she can say cocksucker in two languages at the same time? Fascinating.

So, back to me being an amazing boss. So I'm defending her attitude, and he's getting after me, and I never did find out what he wanted. And naturally he's "forgotten" but if I want to talk business I should call his secretary. I'm not doing that.

Find out what he wanted WITHOUT making it seem like I want to know. Don't ask him directly. Pass him a note after study hall. Find out if he likes me. You know, that kind of thing...

Also, I've got something in the hopper. I just need you to tell me what I need to be looking for money wise. How much should I be shopping around for? I'm not hawking a product, I'm hawking my brain and brains of many others. This isn't a defense contract, in fact it has nothing to do with the government. At all. Which means we don't have the same kinds of budget constraints. So you tell me...Dream contract. Go.


PS Don't worry.


[email to Orin Monarch]

Stop harassing my secretary.


Mar. 1st, 2011


After this

Email to P. Rawlings


I've decided to keep the creature. No one can find out what it is. But we've reached an accord.

I spoke to the Intern, he's cheeky. I like him, he has permission to start hacking things and fixing my "hot shit" firewall. Don't glare too much at him, but try to make sure he doesn't blow anything up. Also, sign him up for a sexual harassment workshop before he gets us sued. I can only hit him upside the head so many times in a day before he realizes your employer isn't allowed to hit.

Orin Monarch has Reina fit to be tied, tread cautiously, I gave her the rest of the day off.

Saw an HR Block commercial. Is it tax season?

Stuck on a conference call, send snacks.



email to a. sparke

[The body of the email consists mostly of pigeoned together French and Spanish words, with some English thrown in for flavor. It is mostly incomprehensible, but clearly rage-filled. The last sentence is really the only readable thing.]


Feb. 28th, 2011


[Filtered to R. Ignace]

Really Reina? Really?

Feb. 27th, 2011


[Filtered to J. Bly]

Hello, Intern.


I love the smell of tabloids in the morning. Stay classy, Seattle. I knew I moved here for a reason.

[Filtered to P. Rawlings]

Before I forget:

I bought the place I was staying in Trinidad, see if anyone wants to buy it, if not see if anyone wants to rent it, if not donate it to some homeless kids or another charity and write it off.

And since you brought it up, maybe I do need a new apartment.

Did I have a birthday while I was gone? I came home to half a dozen gifts. Do you have need for a fancy pants coffee press? And two iPhones, why would I need two iPhones? Do you need two iPhones? If not put them in the kitchen at the office, we do it with leftover sandwiches, I think left over iPhones can go in there too.

One last thing, been playing a little catch up...Robot apocalypse? Or is there something someone needs to tell me? More importantly, would we call it bright red? I think it's more of a crimson. Joking aside. I'm not pleased.

Alright, I'm done perpetuating the myth that I'm in charge around here (it was a good effort though). Now tell me, what have I forgotten?

Feb. 25th, 2011


Oh good, it's still raining. And a balmy 31 degrees to boot.

Dec. 27th, 2010


Text to A. Sparke

[Christmas day. The day after this.]

I'm taking another day, tomorrow; I've let my usual replacement know.

["Usual replacement": someone who fills in when Preston is sick, which is, perhaps, five days out of the entire 365. The man, fortunately, usually has another job the other 360.]

Dec. 19th, 2010


[locked to a. sparke]

I only just found out about what happened the other day!  My cousin gets fussy about the police because he's a private investigator Having so many people around made me nervous Are you alright? Have you heard anything aside from the news reports?


Text to P. Rawlings

[slightly backdated to Saturday afternoon]

Maybe you were right about security at the apartment.

Dec. 16th, 2010


a. sparke, k. dawes

[Email to A. Sparke, could very well be delivered to his secretary]

Mr Sparke,

My name is Madison Moore and I am currently hiring a Public Relations specialist. A man, Edward Okoye, listed you as a reference. I would like to inquire about his performance. Please reply at your earliest convenience.

Madison Moore
Hope for Humanity

[Email to K. Dawes]

Ms Dawes,

My name is Madison Moore and I am currently hiring a Public Relations specialist. A man, Edward Okoye, listed you as a reference. I would like to inquire about his performance. Please reply at your earliest convenience.

Madison Moore
Hope for Humanity

Dec. 13th, 2010


Various communications.

[Email to P. Worth, beginning of the business day Monday following, 9 AM.]

How much did we lose?

[Forum to W. Light, midday.]


[Comm to Nightwing, evening following, 6 PM.]

Problems attaining the recordings?

[Comm to Cipher, around the same time.]

Cipher. Status?

[Such the romantic.]

[Confidential email to A. Sparke]

Ms. Worth tells me she contacted you last week regarding the issue of a loan. I would appreciate it if that information remained confidential.

Dec. 10th, 2010


Text to A. Sparke

[Evening. From home. After this.]

Perhaps we should increase security for the duration of the holiday, considering recent events.

Dec. 9th, 2010


Bathos Level 5 & later, [Public]

[In the early morning. Moderately, to the smell of a very bold black coffee with clove.]

( Playing in Bathos 502. )

[Public Post, about mid-morning after he opened the door to get the Financial Times. After this. The smell of coffee has faded, and even after reception of the gift, he doesn't brew any more.]

To whichever of my anonymous neighbors responsible, thank you for the coffee.

Dec. 7th, 2010


T Brandon

[Secure email to T Brandon at sun-up.]
575,000,000, liquid, and we're both entirely free of portable wealth now. I might be able to get additional funds advanced from Sparke, Thomas, quicker than going through additional liquidation channels. Let me know.

[Phone call to A Sparke]

Dec. 6th, 2010


Phone calls and Public.

[After this and this.]

[Phone message to M. Main at the Times front desk. It's not a direct, a secretary brings a post-it in which she's inscribed the following message. She looks confused.]

Mr. Brandon says he is working late on the sleeping goat (??) case, and not to worry about staying at the mechanic's for as long as it takes to wait for news on the heirloom they're working on.

[Phone call to Oracle. Regardless of whether she picks up or it's a voicemail, he says the same thing:]

I need a trace on [Cayman Account #]. Top priority. Drop everything else. Please.

[He hangs up a second after.]

[Phone call to P. Worth. This one, he waits for a reply.]

I need a time estimate of one billion liquid. Now, Alfie.


I need more time.

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