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Nov. 4th, 2010


T Sable

[The book is left under the door of Hamartia 605. A cellphone number is written on the front page, and Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. is written in graceful cursive beneath.]

Nov. 2nd, 2010


Note (for G. Ackers)

[left on the kitchen counter in Hamartia 605, Tuesday morning, un-decorated and serious]


Do you have any extra money right now? We're short and getting late on rent.


Nov. 1st, 2010


locked to W. Light

[Early in the evening on Monday, after finally sleeping most of the day and skimming the forums to see what people have been saying about the Masquerade]

Are you okay?
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Oct. 31st, 2010


[public from h. blair]

[Posted in the small hours of the morning, after picking up the late edition of the Seattle Times and reading the article therein.]

It seems that I missed a rousing success of a party by devoting my evening to work instead of play. Then again, I've also managed to avoid ending up in the local society rags, so perhaps my own night was more of a 'rousing success' than that of the guests to the masked affair.

Masks are often much more telling about the person who wears them than the face they present to the world in their day to day. Worth considering, if the paper is to be believed about the anonymous assignations that supposedly took place. It might be worth wondering what the person you dragged into a dark corner is like in their everyday life. The King might think himself better than everyone around him, and the Vampire might want to prey on you in more ways than one. Books could be written about what the details of costume choice say about individual psychological makeup.

My name is Dr. Henry Blair. You haven't seen me here until now because I have had something of a busy year renovating my hospital, but things seem to have quieted for the time being. Should anyone within the Creation community be in need of psychiatric health services, I offer myself as your liaison - I understand that matters within our community can be more delicate than those within the population at large, and am willing to discuss the sort of things that you might find yourself unable to bring to a human practitioner in my field.

Oct. 24th, 2010


locked to W. Light

Okay, shit, I hope this works. I've never actually posted anything on this. Just comments. If I get a ton of people laughing at me, I'll know I did it wrong.

Anyway. Did you stop by here earlier?
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T Sable

[Left outside Hamartia 605, with a note.]

T Sable )

Oct. 23rd, 2010



I dreamed I could play the piano, and I would love to learn. I met someone who could play once, just the other night, but I don't know if he's changed his mind about teaching.

Does anyone play?

Oct. 18th, 2010


Don't just leave your syringes out in the open like that, people! Everybody does not want or need to know about your drug habits. Common courtesy ring a bell? Or privacy?

It'd better not be a junkie with an exhibitionistic streak making his rounds.

Oct. 15th, 2010


Does anyone know if the Centro party is gonna have tight security? The last time I had a mask on, someone tried to put a hole in me.

Oct. 7th, 2010


posted by i. falco.

Friends, Romans, countrymen...any idea what this means? [A picture of a nazar necklace is posted here] Mrs. Kokinos across the street gave it to me when I helped her with the groceries. She didn't really say what it meant, I think, her accent is a little just that she wanted me to have it. I'd google it myself, but I don't know what to call it.

Sep. 13th, 2010



anyone missing a fish? small, brightly colored, soft instead of scaly. cute kid's toy, i guess, but not something a guy like me has any use for.

Sep. 8th, 2010


in Hamartia 605

[Taped to the door of the smaller bedroom in Hamartia 605. It's been made as colorful and eye-catching as possible.]

seven for a magpie who tells me where to go... )

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