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June 9th, 2011

[info]agentmason007 in [info]musings


Hiya everyone!!!!!!!

It's so BORING in Seattle, doesn't anyone do anything fun around here that doesn't include alcohol??

I wanna make a movie. Who wants to make a movie with me? Space ships have to be involved!

[info]spikenotapony in [info]musings

[Locked to J. Almassy.]

You like clothes right?


[Locked to T. Glimmer and B. Keaton.]

Help me convince Jake to go get a makeover.


[info]ex_theredlig387 in [info]musings

C Moran, G Dailey, K West

[Locked to C Moran, impulsively, after returning from this.]
Hi. I know I'm supposed to see you tomorrow, but I haven't had a chance to tell Gwen, and since she bailed me out, I don't want to just disappear. [...] And there's this costume party I really want to go to. [...] Can we meet after the party ends? [...] Right after, I promise.

[Left on the kitchen table for G Dailey, after spending the day cleaning the apartment until it shines, collecting her things from Hayley and her last paycheck from Edison: 100 dollars, and a note.]
You didn't go to Edison and get my suit and knives, did you?

[Locked to K West.]
Are you eating okay?

[info]whisper_no in [info]musings

call to g. dailey

[Placed Thursday evening. The sound of hospital equipment can be heard in the background, beeping softly.]


[info]ex_alone62 in [info]musings

A Black

[Sent via WoW-mail to A Black]
Stav //

Where have you been? Missed raiding THREE DAYS last week. RP server guild event Sat. You in?

// Alonerd

[info]rarediamond in [info]musings

[Private to T. Glimmer]

Hello Twila,

You probably don't remember me, but I believe we went to the same high-school and our parents ran in similar circles.
My mum told me you were also in Seattle and I figured I'd look you up.
I know these forums are a long shot, but I'm not sure how else to contact you.

-Krystal Raraty

[info]bystealth in [info]musings

[Public and Messages.]


There is a Thomas, Inc. charity food drive for canned goods and the like outside the Seattle Art Museum and the Museum of History and Industry. It runs during museum hours and will close at the end of tomorrow.

[L. Henry]

Status on Maheu?

[info]smart_fox in [info]musings

m. main

[Letter delivered to M. Main, courtesy of the Seattle Times. Backdated to Monday, May 30]