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May 27th, 2011

[info]sonic_siren in [info]musings

Phone call to O. Monarch

[after this.]


[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

[Petal to the Nettle]

[Friday, amidst the snow, workers arrive at Petal to the Nettle to reinforce the windows, add storm shutters and a generator, and insulate. As demand means no one is available within Seattle to undertake such work, they have clearly been flown in for the task, though they remain adamantly silent when questioned.]

[info]beyondspareoom in [info]musings

Anyone up for building a snowman?

[info]aspidercan in [info]musings

open vigilante comm/forum message

[ Open Vigilante Comm ]

[The comm is sent out Friday afternoon, immediately after this (though pictures and videos will probably hit the internet soon). Spidey keeps his voice as nonchalant as ever, but his breathing is heavy, and he sounds a bit more forced than usual. He's shaken up, but doesn't want anyone to know, and is inspecting his wounded leg as he speaks.]

Hey, morning glories. I've got two stories for you. Say "one" for updates on the Weatherman, and "two" for what will probably be on the news within the next few days.

[ Locked to Z. Zaldana ]
[Forum post sent from the Anon account using the Spidey icon.]

Hey, beautiful. If you liked my first present, you'll love this second one. I always heard that chicks dig puppies.

[ Locked to D. Wallace ]
[Forum post sent from the Anon account using the Spidey icon.]

The Weatherman was the victim of Creation-caused crime. Someone body-snatched or mind-controlled him. He thinks this same person abducted someone, a girl named Wren or R. Maheu. He thinks freezing Seattle will get this person to come clean.

[info]estudier in [info]musings

Phone call to P. Rawlings

[late Friday night]

Ring ring.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


I'm looking for the one they call Fawkes.

[info]sonic_siren in [info]musings

[Email to G. Dailey]

[After this. She really is starting to at least make an effort with typing when she's not rushed.]

Why are men so dumb,Gwennie?