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May 22nd, 2011

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

I think I've asked before, but who knows if things have changed.

No chance anyone here knows how to... limit abilities? I keep getting into trouble with it. Yeah, I know, I should just learn to deal with it, but the repercussions are scaring me.

[info]ex_claret380 in [info]musings

S Preston, P Rawlings

[Note left under S Preston's door]
I kind of don't know what to say want to see Europe, so I'm going out there to surprise visit Blake. Um, so you know, I don't think you need to be anyone else to make a girl like you. Just be yourself, and don't run and stuff, if it isn't your thing. Your son - Poe

[Note left under P Rawling's door]
Meeting Blake in Europe. It's sort of kind of lonely here, even in this awesome big house, and he's having a lot of parties that sound not lonely fun. Um, try to keep Shiloh from dying while he's running, and remember to fight for things worth fighting for, uncle Preston. I would say you can come visit, but I kind of don't know if that's a great idea, so stay here and be happy instead. Ok, try to be happy. - Poe

[info]plastike in [info]musings

m. main

[delivery, Sunday afternoon. The deliveryman seems put-out by making a delivery on a Sunday, but he does as he's been paid, delivering the large bouquet of flowers. A card has been stuck in among the blooms.]


Saw you running the other morning, then I saw these flowers and thought of you.

Hope to join you some morning.


[info]estudier in [info]musings

private to g. dailey

can you call, please? [cell number] wouldn't ask but its an emergency.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


[Breaking News: Sunday evening, 9 pm, an isolated windstorm over Seattle-Tacoma International Airport causes Flight 48 to London-Heathrow to crash at takeoff. Fatality count unknown at this time. Spectators report random tornadoes and windstorms directly over the airplane, a Boeing 747 jet which held 400 passengers. Various critical patients have been airlifted to locations outside Seattle, and local hospitals are attempting to manage the remaining victims of this unexplained tragedy.]

[info]sagittal in [info]musings

M Morgenstern, J Morgenstern, W Lowell

[Immediately after this]

[Locked to M Morgenstern and J Morgenstern]
One of you better be willing to do house calls.

[Call to W Lowell]