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March 21st, 2011

[info]thatshellfire in [info]musings

[Call to Q. Gaines]


[info]dreamsmadeflesh in [info]musings

Texts sent in the middle of the night tonight as soon as Evie is home from her unplanned and unannounced vacation.

[Text to H. Radcliffe]

I just got home, I didn't want to wake you. I know it's late, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving. Your invitations are beautiful.

[Text to S. Djaevelen]

I owe you an apology.

[Text to B. Sablier]

Tassle and I are home. I know you already know because apparently you know everything. But we're home. <3 We should talk in the morning.

[info]mariphasa in [info]musings

[phonecall to O. Monarch]

[after Hayley's visit and checking his email - Late Thursday afternoon]


[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

seattle times

[Article located on the bottom of the front page of the Monday edition of the Times.]


[info]mariphasa in [info]musings

[O. Monarch, H. Radcliffe]

[On Orin's desk, Monday morning]

Delivery day. Come find me. -W.


[On Hayley's desk, Monday morning. A note on top of a slim, flat box, sitting next to her casserole dish.]

Thank you. -W.

[Inside the box is a matching set of a hand-dyed scarf and opera-length gloves.]

[info]notjustsidekick in [info]musings

q. gaines, j. bly

[call to q. gaines' cell]


[locked to j. bly]

Hey. Get through the blackout okay? I have another favor to ask Shit I feel like such a jerk but

[info]waterheart in [info]musings


To 6th floor Bathos neighbors: Sorry for the noise and the mess. Furniture people came today and who would have thunk a couch weighed that much? Who would have thunk that it would take me dragging it around the living room for an hour before I found where it looked best? Again, apologies. Though those should extend down to the fifth floor. I am sorry to my downstairs neighbor. Please don't throw things at the ceiling.

On the plus side, I have huge boxes to play with. I'm pretty sure I should have grown out of playing in boxes when I was ten, but I think everyone should be allowed to play with boxes big enough to stand up in.

So if you want to join my box party, please let me know.

Oh. I just moved in (obviously) and the apartment still smells like new. Anyone have any candles or something to get this smell out? It's making my nose hurt.

[info]smart_fox in [info]musings


Hello. I'm looking for a Ms. Penelope Worth. I can't seem to get any answers from Worth Financials as to her whereabouts.

[info]dreamsmadeflesh in [info]musings

[Emailed to H. Radcliffe]

Hi Hayleybop,

Thank you for the breakfast, that was very sweet of you.



[info]estudier in [info]musings

phone call to b. thorne

[The afternoon after this]


[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

locked to a. shabah

I heard you've been given a warm welcome already, sugar. It's time to do some work.