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March 10th, 2011

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

(a blocked call to his secret, secured line)

[info]mariphasa in [info]musings

[for O. Monarch]

[A simple note, folded in half, on Orin's desk, Thursday afternoon. There is a business card attached with a paperclip.]


I've chosen your architect. This is her business card. NDA forms have been signed and her background check has been cleared through Legal. She will be touring the areas adjoining the space for the new addition, accompanied by security at all times. Please do not make a pass at her. At least not until this project is complete. She's been told that it is a time-sensitive project and to expedite it as much as possible while keeping things to code and well-designed.

I have several [there's a small mark on the page, as if he rested his pen for a moment to think about his word choice] prototypes for you to look over when you have a chance. If possible, please let me know before you come down to the lab, so I can clear the area of anyone who does not wish to see your face.

You know where to find me.

[info]dyingatherfeet in [info]musings

[call to r. morgenstern]


[info]secondknight in [info]musings

Comm to Oracle

Oracle, isolate. We got a problem.

[info]sagittal in [info]musings

A Morgenstern, T Brandon

[After this]

[Locked to A Morgenstern]
I didn't ask questions when your woman got bit by snakes and you wanted things your way, and I need you not to ask me questions now. You take Ro, and you keep her with you until you hear otherwise from me.

[Call to T Brandon's cellphone]
[He doesn't bother with the damn comm, and he convinces the secretary to put him through, even though Brandon is at some hospital.] [Ring]

[info]lightofalampost in [info]musings

[text to M. Dent]

That's the last time I work Shrove Tuesday. Wow do Yanks like to drink until sick.
So... How have you been?

[info]notjustsidekick in [info]musings

q. gaines

[Call to Q. Gaines]

Tags: ,

[info]estudier in [info]musings

[Email to P. Moira]

Dinner. Tonight. Just you and I, my place if you're comfortable. Bathos 106. If you're available, just stop by anytime after 7pm. RSVP not required.

I hope you can make it.


[info]cantstartafire in [info]musings

[Call to P. Rawlings]

Hours and hours after this. Around 1:30 in the morning.
