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January 20th, 2011

[info]skeletonradio in [info]musings

[Text Message to Mika]

fkdsjafhl i think im lost make sure the DJs get fed if i die ok?? :F

[info]bystealth in [info]musings

[Following this conversation (immediately following), Oracle is sent the access codes to Thomas' existing security in the warehouse currently housing Corbinian. The secure transmission is preceded by this note:]

Cipher says you will watch him. Next time he strays, the box won't have doors.

[Locked to Corbinian.]

Don't go near Cipher again. If she comes to you, then she comes to you, but you don't go near her. I won't say it again.


[A really, really long shot:]

If you have experience in financial management, please contact my office. [A number for his secretary, who instructs applicants to send in resumes.]

[info]bylined in [info]musings

A Main

[Immediately after this.]

[Text to A Main]
What time to do you get off work?

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

Along secure channels: Email to Oracle.

[Email to Oracle]

What can you tell me about a Creation organization called EIT?

[info]predicted in [info]musings

E-Mail sent to Luke and Wren

[Sent out before the full moon.]

Oracle says come over next Wednesday to eat a cake.

[info]ex_theredlig387 in [info]musings

J Bly, M Jones, L Henry, D Amis, W Lowell

[Sent immediately after she sees this.]

[Locked to J Bly, M Jones, L Henry, D Amis, and e-mail to W Lowell, whose card she found in Aubade]
Oracle Gwen Quinn's roommate is throwing a surprise birthday party for her next Wednesday. Quinn thinks it'll only be Luke and Gwen and I, but we're really going to play paintball. It's a surprise, so don't say anything to her before. Just be at Bathos a little before noon.

[info]hybristic in [info]musings

D Wallace

[Locked to D Wallace]
Kenna's gone hunting overseas, friend. I'm afraid it's just you and I against Seattle. Thoughts on recruiting?

[info]corbinian in [info]musings

[email to oracle]

Oracle, the Bat told me to get in contact with you. He seems to think you have something to tell me.

[locked to M. Main]

No doubt he'll be telling you shortly, but I thought I might as well let you know that I'm not to see you anymore.

[info]heshotfirst in [info]musings

[A couple days later after the mess.]

[Locked to W. Light, T. Sable, C. Maheu.]

What's with the noise? Nurse says I get to go out. I'm not supposed to use a bunch of stairs I need to go get a drink.

[info]nogentleexit in [info]musings


Everyone settling in post-chaos? I seriously hope this sort of thing happens doesn't happen all the time; bit bad for deposits and whatnot, doubt the leases take "renovation by psychologically disturbed and possibly rabid mob and other unnatural disasters" into account.

It would make one hell of a marketing campaign for getting people into the city though. "Experience The Wilds of Seattle - just remember to get all your shots first. And bring your cricket bat with you."

Yes, I know this is [...] very behind. Like a complete prat I set up shop in the exact place that apparently screamed "dinner" to the roaming hordes, so consequently the electronics, much like everything else, have gone the way of the dodo. You try replacing expensive toys with no steady income. It's an absolute nightmare.