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January 5th, 2011

[info]exsweetheart in [info]musings

Do any of you college kids out there need some extra cash? It’d be nice to get some extra help around the shop, just someone to work the register and do inventory and things like that. Bonus points if you’re good with cars, but it’s really not necessary for the kind of things that need to be done around here.

[Locked to M. Barnes]
I hope you’re feeling better, take all the time you need. Your job will be here when you come back.

[info]skeletonradio in [info]musings

[On Skeleton Radio. Around 9:30 pm]

This is DJ Skeleton with an emergency report. We've received word from the police that there are mobs of violent, mindless humans attacking en mass on Seattle streets. Please stay indoors or find yourself safehouse. Do not go outside unless you want to be torn apart like one of my interns.

[A small pause.]

I wish I was kidding. We'll be transmitting until they do the same to me. [There's a shuffle and some shouting within the DJ booth. Voices arguing before DJ Skeleton yells slightly off mic for them to fucking leave if they want to be pussies.]

Call in with tips, questions, messages to loved ones.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

To the delightful masked woman who tried to stop my heart:

I never leave a job half finished.

Ever yours,
The Sadist

[info]beyondspareoom in [info]musings

Call to S. Djaevelen

[Ring, Ring]

[info]creationsverse in [info]musings

[Plot: Reavers]

[Wednesday, 1/5/11, 9 p.m.: Reavers enter the city. They look human beneath the dirt, layers of torn clothing, face paint and piercings. Creations will have heard tales about them after coming through the portal, Creations gone mad somehow while crossing and settling in pockets across the southern United States. They do not talk, they will not listen, and they descend on Seattle at 9 p.m. in the thousands. They're unafraid of threats, harm, or weapons. They don't communicate; they don't even try. They can use their abilities, though, which include everything from mind control to invisibility, and their only goal seems to be to find other Creations and tear them apart with their hands and their teeth; they're cannibalistic. Unfortunately, they inadvertently target humans, too, and the stories start running on the news and in the papers by 9:15 pm. The human world doesn't know who they are or what they're after - yet. But it's only time until one of them is captured and medical testing begins.

By 9:30, martial law and a state of emergency have been declared, the National Guard are patrolling the streets, and the city borders have been closed off. This will continue until 1/10/11, at which point all Reavers are either dead, captured or in hiding.]

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

[Published at 9:30, on non-standard paper for the Creations Times and delivered to all buildings by a white truck.]

The Creations Times: WARNING )

[info]manilove in [info]musings

[locked to b. winters]

Let me know if you plan on going out tonight. I don't want you going alone.

[info]odangochan in [info]musings

[multiple texts]

[text to D. Wiley]
Please tell me you're okay, and not in your apartment in the middle of Rainier Valley and somewhere safe and are able to get here. If not, I'm going to have to come down and get you.

[text to J. Hart]
They said a bunch of those people were moving toward your area. Are you okay? Do you want to come over?

[text to W. Wallace]
Are you okay? Tell me you're somewhere safe. Some girl on the radio said a bunch of those people were going to your area.

[locked to scouts]
I'm inviting a few people over, if that's okay.

[text to L. Henry after this]
I haven't heard from you. Are you in your apartment?

[info]corbinian in [info]musings

locked post

[locked to t. brandon]

There are people being torn apart in the streets if the news is anywhere close to accurate, and two of them just burst into this warehouse and attempted to murder me. I am going to go do what I can. I will go back when this is over, but I am not staying here while people are being killed in the streets.

[text to m. main]

I don't have a communicator anymore, so tell me who is where and what's happening. Rorschach? Robin? Sentinel?

[info]saucyballads in [info]musings

[text to J. Warda]

What the _hell_ is going on, Jen? We've got the freaking NATIONAL GUARD here turning the crime lab into some kind of staging HQ or something. You'd better be safe.

[info]predicted in [info]musings

Closed Comm to Oracle

Robin and I are on our way. Status, Oracle?

[info]journalistic in [info]musings

[Text to M. Main]

For the love of God, woman. Stay indoors. You do not need to be on scene reporting. Zombie babies? So 2002.

[info]superboy in [info]musings

[ message to j. copeland ]

Are you home? Did you Can I

Be safe if you go out there for work. I'd be upset if you got hurt. Where else am I going to get free pie?

[info]journalistic in [info]musings

[ text to j. copeland ]

On the job or hanging back?

[info]whatmanhasnot in [info]musings

[Text to A. Lang]

Considering the circumstances, I will not be perturbed by you not coming to work until after these events are complete. I do expect you as soon as the situation is quelled though.

[info]superboy in [info]musings

[ text to l. henry ]

please tell me you're held up in your daddy's fortress.

[info]moretrashbags in [info]musings

[text to T Pecker]

[After hearing this on the radio.]

I dont like this Im scared Dont b eaten Pls tell me u have all yr lims still

[info]likedillinger in [info]musings

[identical texts to e. pride and k. mackenzie]

pretty sure a fucking zombie apocalypse is happening right now. plz tell me u weren't bitten and ur armed.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


Whatever's going on, it's Creations.

[info]the_automaton in [info]musings

It has been over six weeks since this forum's last incidence of a threatening or otherwise aggressive anonymous post. Though the dates are not exact, it seems as if the holiday of Halloween garnered a great deal of such activity. I am therefore curious as to why Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve did not receive the same treatment. Is it because Halloween and its ties to ghosts and ghouls inspire the less clever to adopt such personas, or were our anonymous commenters simply too distracted by an overindulgence in food and drink to act?

[ Private to J. Cooper ]
[Sent after this]

How did I get a fan, Jane?

[info]alphamfoxtrot in [info]musings

[Text to P. Constance.]

[After this]

Where are you?
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